Compare Azure Stack Hub, Azure Stack HCI, and Azure Stack Edge


While Azure Stack Hub, Azure Stack HCI, and Azure Stack Edge have their distinct use cases, it may be difficult to determine which of them is optimal in a given scenario. You might have a good idea by now how to address Contoso's challenges, but before making the final decision, let's review their similarities and differences in this unit.

Azure Stack portfolio

The three products of the Azure Stack portfolio help you address the following needs:

  • Azure Stack Hub: Run your own private, autonomous, cloud-native applications in the cloud—connected or disconnected on-premises environment.
  • Azure Stack HCI: Consolidate and modernize virtualized workloads by using on-premises hyperconverged infrastructure and integrate them with Azure.
  • Azure Stack Edge: Get immediate insights into your on-premises data with an Azure-managed, edge computing appliance by using hardware-accelerated machine learning.

To compare the three products, review the following table:

Characteristic Azure Stack Hub Azure Stack HCI Azure Stack Edge
Number of nodes 4-16 1-16 1
Hardware OEM OEM Microsoft
Support disconnected scenarios Yes No No
Modernize aging storage No Yes No
Cloud billing for on-premises data workloads Yes Yes Yes
Provide Azure Consistent IaaS and PaaS Yes No No
Build modern apps across cloud and on-premises using Azure services Yes No No
Small-footprint branch office scenarios No Yes Yes
Ruggedized form-factors in harsh or remote environments No No Yes
Support for repurposed hardware No Yes. Customers have the option of reusing their existing hardware if it provides the required capabilities, as defined by the Azure Stack HCI catalog. No
Trusted enterprise virtualization No Yes No
High availability for virtual machines Yes Yes No
Built-in disaster recovery capabilities No Yes No
Local Azure Resource Manager control plane Yes No No
Built-in multi-tenancy and tenant isolation Yes No No
Form-factor choice Yes Yes Yes
Preconfigured private cloud Yes No No
Azure VMs supported through IaaS Yes No No
Support for Kubernetes Yes Yes Yes
GPU support Yes Yes Yes
FPGA support No No Yes
Azure-managed appliance No No Yes

Choose the best response for each of the following questions, and then select Check your answers.

Check your knowledge


What is the minimum number of nodes in an Azure Stack Hub?


Which of the Azure Stack products supports multi-tenancy and tenant isolation?