

In this module, you're going to discover traits and generics, which are Rust's way to deal with the concept of polymorphism, where a function accepts arguments of different types. Together, they allow us to write code that acts on values of many different types, even types that haven't been declared yet.

Learning objectives

In this module, you'll learn:

  • What generic types are and how "wrapper" types use them.
  • What traits are and how they help us define shared behavior.
  • How to implement an existing trait for a custom type.
  • How to implement a custom trait for an existing type.
  • How trait bounds help us write generic functions.
  • How to implement an Iterator trait to iterate through collections.


Have a solid understanding of Rust's types, ownerships, and moves. If you have any questions about those subjects, review the module Understand how Rust manages memory.