Share and collaborate with files


Teams makes it easy to share files with learners and colleagues. Every team (and every channel within a team) has its own file folder to share files with members of that team. If the shared files are Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files, colleagues or learners can view, edit, and collaborate on them directly in the Teams app. They are also able to see each other's changes in real time.

Either upload existing files or create new files directly in the file folder:

  • To upload existing files into the library, go to the Files tab in the team, and select the Upload button. A File Explorer dialog box will open, allowing the selection of the file (or files) to upload. Select the file (or files) to share and then select Open. (These steps upload a copy of that file to the team.) Any files uploaded will be accessible by any member of the team.
  • To create a new Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Forms for Excel, or OneNote file in the files folder, select the New button and then select the kind of file to create. Name the file and select Create. The new file will open in Teams where it may be edited. If working in the desktop version of the app is preferable, select the Open in Desktop app button on the ribbon to open the file in the preferred desktop app. As soon as it’s created, the new file will be available for members of the team to edit as well.

Within the Files tab of a Class Team is a class materials folder. Anything added to the class materials folder will be read-only for learners. A document added to files—but not to the class materials folder—may be edited by any member of the team.