interface ICoreWebView2EnvironmentInterop

interface ICoreWebView2EnvironmentInterop
  : public IUnknown

Interop interface for the CoreWebView2Environment WinRT object to allow WinRT end developers to be able to use COM interfaces as parameters for some methods.


Members Descriptions
GetProviderForHwnd Returns the UI Automation Provider for the ICoreWebView2CompositionController that corresponds with the given HWND.

This interface is implemented by the Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core.CoreWebView2Environment runtime class.



Returns the UI Automation Provider for the ICoreWebView2CompositionController that corresponds with the given HWND.

public HRESULT GetProviderForHwnd(HWND hwnd,IUnknown ** provider)

See the documentation for ICoreWebView2Environment::GetProviderForHwnd for more information.