Get certificate request generation options

Gets parameters for client-side certificate request generation.


The URLs in this article are relative to the hostname that's chosen during API deployment, such as


Method Request URL
GET /CertificateManagement/api/v1.0/requests/{requestid}/certificaterequestgenerationoptions

URL parameters

Parameter Description
requestid Required. The GUID identifier of the MIM CM request for which the certificate request generation parameters are to be retrieved.

Request headers

For common request headers, see HTTP request and response headers in CM REST API service details.

Request body



This section describes the response.

Response codes

Code Description
200 OK
204 No Content
403 Forbidden
500 Internal Error

Response headers

For common request headers, see HTTP request and response headers in CM REST API service details.

Response body

On success, returns a list of CertificateRequestGenerationOptions objects. Each CertificateRequestGenerationOptions object corresponds to a single certificate request that the client has to generate. Each object has the following properties:

Property Description
Exportable A value that specifies whether the private key created for the request can be exported.
FriendlyName The display name of the enrolled certificate.
HashAlgorithmName The hash algorithm used when creating the certificate request signature.
KeyAlgorithmName The public key algorithm.
KeyProtectionLevel The level of strong key protection.
KeySize The size, in bits, of the private key to be generated.
KeyStorageProviderNames A list of acceptable key storage providers (KSPs) that can be used to generate the private key. When the first KSP can't be used to generate the certificate request, any of the specified KSPs can be used until one succeeds.
KeyUsages The operation that can be performed by the private key created for this certificate request. The default value is Signing.
Subject The subject name.


More information about these properties is available in the Windows.Security.Cryptography.Certificates.CertificateRequestProperties class description. Keep in mind that there's not a one-to-one correspondence between this class and CertificateRequestGenerationOptions objects.


This section provides an example to get the generation options for a certificate request.

Example: Request

GET /certificatemanagement/api/v1.0/requests/a9b4b42c-cc50-4c9b-89d1-bbc0bcd5a099/certificaterequestgenerationoptions HTTP/1.1

Example: Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

            "Contoso Smart Card Key Storage Provider"