Get smart card profiles

Gets a list of smart card profiles for a user. The list includes the possible operations that can be performed by the current user. A request can then be initiated for any of the specified operations.


The URLs in this article are relative to the hostname that's chosen during API deployment, such as


Method Request URL
GET /CertificateManagement/api/v1.0/smartcards

URL parameters

Property Description
smartcarduuid Optional. The smart card UUID as denoted by Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) Certificate Management (CM). The value corresponds to the "uuid" field in the Microsoft.Clm.Shared.Smartcards.Smartcard object.

Query parameters

Property Description
cardid Optional. The smart card UUID as denoted by MIM CM. The value corresponds to the "uuid" field in the Microsoft.Clm.Shared.Smartcards.Smartcard object.

Request headers

For common request headers, see HTTP request and response headers in CM REST API service details.

Request body



This section describes the response.

Response codes

Code Description
200 OK
204 No content
403 Forbidden
500 Internal Error

Response headers

For common response headers, see HTTP request and response headers in CM REST API service details.

Response body

On success, returns a JSON-Serialized Microsoft.Clm.Shared.Smartcards.Smartcard object with the following properties:

Name Description
AssignedUserUuid The identifier of the user to whom the smart card is assigned.
Atr The smart card answer-to-reset (ATR) string for the card that is currently being initialized.
Comment The comment that describes the smart card.
Flags The flags that describe the smart card.
Middleware The middleware for the smart card.
ParentSmartcardUuid The identifier of the old smart card that the smart card has replaced.
PermanentSmartcardUuid The identifier of the permanent smart card that is associated with the smart card.
PrimarySmartcardUuid The identifier of the primary smart card.
ProfileTemplateUuid The identifier of the profile template that contains the policies and settings that govern the smart card.
ProfileTemplateVersion The version of the profile template at the time that the smart card profile was created.
SerialNumber The smart card's serial number.
Status The status of the smart card.
Uuid The smart card profile's identifier.


This section provides an example to get smart card profiles for a user.

Example: Request 1

GET /certificatemanagement/api/v1.0/smartcards?cardid=d1ef6869-5517-42a0-8f05-16ca1a0b834d HTTP/1.1

Example: Response 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Example: Request 2

GET /certificatemanagement/api/v1.0/smartcards/17cf063d-e337-4aa9-a822-346554ddd3c9 HTTP/1.1

Example: Response 2

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


See also