2.1.7 [ECMA-262/6] Section 9.2.7 AddRestrictedFunctionProperties ( F, realm )

V0002: The caller and arguments properties are set incorrectly

The specification states:

 9.2.7 AddRestrictedFunctionProperties ( F, realm )
     3.  Let status be DefinePropertyOrThrow(F, "caller", PropertyDescriptor {[[Get]]: 
         thrower, [[Set]]: thrower, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}).
     4.  Assert: status is not an abrupt completion.
     5.  Return DefinePropertyOrThrow(F , "arguments", PropertyDescriptor {[[Get]]: 
         thrower, [[Set]]: thrower, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}).

IE11 Mode and EdgeHTML Mode (All versions)

The caller and arguments properties are set incorrectly:

    3.  Let status be DefinePropertyOrThrow(F, "caller", PropertyDescriptor {[[Get]]: thrower, [[Set]]: undefined, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false}).

    4.  Assert: status is not an abrupt completion.

    5.  Return DefinePropertyOrThrow(F , "arguments", PropertyDescriptor {[[Get]]: thrower, [[Set]]: undefined, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false}).