
This operation is used to retrieve the Entities contained by the LobSystem that contains a particular LobSystemInstance and is defined as follows.

 <wsdl:operation name="GetEntitiesForLobSystemInstance">
   <wsdl:input message="tns:GetEntitiesForLobSystemInstanceSoapIn" /> 
   <wsdl:output message="tns:GetEntitiesForLobSystemInstanceSoapOut" /> 

The client sends a GetEntitiesForLobSystemInstanceSoapIn request message, and the server responds with a GetEntitiesForLobSystemInstanceSoapOut response message, as follows:

1. The caller of this operation MUST specify the MetadataObjectId of an LobSystemInstance.

2. This operation MUST return all Entities contained by the LobSystem that contains the LobSystemInstance specified in the request.

This operation MUST return a SOAP fault in each of the following cases:

  • The MetadataObjectId provided in the request does not match the MetadataObjectId of any of the existing LobSystemInstances in the metadata store.

  • The LobSystemInstance with the MetadataObjectId provided in the request violates implementation-specific integrity constraints.

  • Any one of the Entities to be returned from this operation violates implementation-specific integrity constraints.

  • The MetadataObjectId value provided in the request is not in the range specified in section