
Namespace: http://www.microsoft.com/performancepoint/scorecards

The DataColumnMapping complex type specifies dimensional mapping information for a column of data.

 <xs:complexType name="DataColumnMapping" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
   <xs:attribute name="UniqueName" type="xs:string"/>
   <xs:attribute name="KeyColumnName" type="xs:string"/>
   <xs:attribute name="SourceColumnName" type="xs:string"/>
   <xs:attribute name="FriendlyColumnName" type="xs:string"/>
   <xs:attribute name="ColumnType" type="tns:MappedColumnTypes" use="required"/>
   <xs:attribute name="FactAggregation" type="tns:FactAggregations" use="required"/>
   <xs:attribute name="ColumnDataType" type="tns:MappedColumnDataTypes" use="required"/>

UniqueName: This attribute MUST be present. UniqueName specifies the unique name of the dimension that a column represents. The value MUST NOT be empty.




The value MUST be an empty string.


The value MUST be an empty string.


The value MUST be an empty string.


The value MUST be an empty string.


UniqueName specifies the unique name of the dimension that a column represents. It is used when referenced by another column mapping via the KeyColumnName. The value MUST NOT be empty.

KeyColumnName: This attribute MUST be present. The content of KeyColumnName is determined by the ColumnType as designated in the following table:




The attribute MUST be ignored.


The attribute MUST be ignored.


KeyColumnName specifies the name of the tabular column that contains the UniqueName for the dimension. If this attribute is not present, the UniqueName of this column is used as the UniqueName for the dimension.


KeyColumnName specifies the name of the tabular column that contains the UniqueName for the dimension. If this attribute is not present, the UniqueName of this column is used as the UniqueName for the dimension.


The attribute MUST be ignored.

SourceColumnName: Specifies the tabular data source column name of the source for this mapping. This attribute MUST be present and MUST be a string of 1 or more characters.

FriendlyColumnName: Specifies a descriptive string for the tabular column name of the source for this mapping. This attribute MUST be present. The value MUST be a string of 1 or more characters.

ColumnType: Specifies the mapped column type. This attribute MUST be present. The value MUST conform to the MappedColumnTypes (Section simple type.

FactAggregation: Specifies the aggregation method. This attribute MUST be present. If the ColumnType is not "Fact", the value is not used and MUST be "None". Otherwise, the value MUST conform to the FactAggregations (Section simple type.

ColumnDataType: Specifies the type of data contained within the mapped column. This attribute MUST be present. The value MUST conform to the MappedColumnDataTypes (Section simple type.