Novell eDirectory Directory Server AttributeTypes Syntax

In contrast to the syntax of the AttributeTypes attribute defined in [RFC2252] section 4.2, the syntax of this attribute as implemented by a directory server or LDAP client implementing extension bundle D is defined in section 4.4 of the document [ID-NDSSCHEMA]. This BNF includes the extension "X-NDS_LOWER_BOUND".

         AttributeTypeDescription =
             "(" whsp
             numericoid whsp                   ; AttributeType identifier
             [ "NAME" qdescrs ]                ; name used in AttributeType
             [ "DESC" qdstring ]               ; description
             [ "OBSOLETE" whsp ]
             [ "SUP" woid ]                    ; derived from other Attribute
             [ "EQUALITY" woid ]               ; Matching Rule name
             [ "ORDERING" woid ]               ; Matching Rule name
             [ "SUBSTR" woid ]                 ; Matching Rule name
             [ "SYNTAX" whsp noidlen whsp ]    ;
             [ "SINGLE-VALUE" whsp ]           ; default multi-valued
             [ "COLLECTIVE" whsp ]             ; default not collective
             [ "NO-USER-MODIFICATION" whsp ]   ; default user modifiable
             [ "USAGE" whsp AttributeUsage ]   ; default userApplications
             [ "X-NDS_LOWER_BOUND" qdstrings ] ; lower bound. default
                                               ; ('0')(upper is specified in
                                               ; SYNTAX)
             whsp ")"

The productions "whsp", "numericoid", "qdescrs", "qdstring", "woid", "noidlen", "AttributeUsage" and "qdstrings" are defined in [RFC2252].