
The WebDefinition complex type specifies a single site. It contains a set of XML attributes that identify and describe the site. This type is defined as follows:

 <s:complexType name="WebDefinition">
   <s:attribute name="Title" type="s:string" use="required" />
   <s:attribute name="Url" type="s:string" use="required" />
   <s:attribute name="Description" type="s:string" />
   <s:attribute name="Language" type="s:string" />
   <s:attribute name="Theme" type="s:string" />
   <s:attribute name="FarmId" type="core:UniqueIdentifierWithBraces" /> 
   <s:attribute name="SiteId" type="core:UniqueIdentifierWithBraces" />
   <s:attribute name="IsSPO" type="core:TRUEFALSE​" />
   <s:attribute name="Id" type="core:UniqueIdentifierWithBraces" />
   <s:attribute name="ExcludeFromOfflineClient" type="core:TRUEFALSE" />
   <s:attribute name="CellStorageWebServiceEnabled" type="core:TRUEFALSE" />
   <s:attribute name="AlternateUrls" type="s:string" />

Title: Specifies the title of the site.

Url: Specifies the absolute URL of the site.

Description: Specifies the description of the site.

Language: Specifies the language code identifier (LCID) for the language of the site.

Theme: Specifies the name of the theme that is applied to the site.

FarmId: A GUID that is the identifier of the farm.<2>

SiteId: A GUID that is the identifier of the site collection.<3>

IsSPO: Specifies ​if it is an online installation or not.<4>

Id: A GUID that is the identifier of the site.<5>

ExcludeFromOfflineClient: Specifies if the content in the site can be downloaded to a client or not.<6>

CellStorageWebServiceEnabled: Specifies if a cell storage service is enabled on the site or not.<7>

AlternateUrls: Alternate URLs are listed in the following zone order, delimited by commas: Intranet,Default,Extranet,Internet,Custom.<8>