User Information Result Set

The user Information Result Set returns information about the user specified in @UserId.

       tp_Id                          int,
       tp_SiteAdmin                   bit,
       tp_IsActive                    bit,
       tp_Login                       nvarchar(255),
       tp_Email                       nvarchar(255),
       tp_Title                       nvarchar(255),
       tp_Notes                       nvarchar(1023),
       tp_ExternalTokenLastUpdated    datetime,
       tp_Token                       varbinary(max),
       tp_Flags                          int,
       UserId                         int,
       SiteSecurityVersion            bigint;

tp_Id: The user identifier (section

tp_SiteAdmin: Indicates whether the specified user is a site collection administrator on the site collection specified by @DocSiteId.

tp_IsActive: MUST be set to "1" if the specified user is an active user in the site collection specified by @DocSiteId.

tp_Login: The login name of the specified user.

tp_Email: The email address of the specified user.

tp_Title: The display name of the specified user.

tp_Notes: Notes about the specified user.

tp_ExternalTokenLastUpdated: The date and time, in UTC format, when the External Group Token (section for the specified user was last updated.

tp_Token: A WSS user Token (section value specifying the site group membership of the specified user.

tp_Flags: A WSS user Flags value for the specified user.

UserId: The site membership identifier of the specified user. This parameter can be NULL if the user has not been added as a member to the site whose permissions are in effect on the document.

SiteSecurityVersion: The current security information version of the site collection containing this document.