Send a message to the back-end client about the availability of the request entity.
    Include the DestinationURL, RequestEntityPath.
    MAY Include BITSDirectoryConfig.Notification type
     and BITSDirectoryConfig.Notification URL.
 if(there is an error while sending)
    Send response to the client with the message format described in section 2.2.7
    Set state to RECEIVE_FRAGMENTS
    Return from this state.
 Receive the response from back-end client
 if(there is an error while receiving)
    Send response to the client with the message format described in section 2.2.7.
    Set state to RECEIVE_FRAGMENTS
    Return from this state.
 Read HTTPStatusCode, BITSErrorCode, IsReplyStaticURL,
  ShouldcopyToDestination, ResponseEntityPath, ReplyURL
  received as part of the response.
 if(there is an error while reading the values or HTTPStatusCode is an error)
    Send response to the client with the message format described in section 2.2.7.
    Set state to RECEIVE_FRAGMENTS
    Return from this state.
 If(BITSErrorCode is not a success)
    Set BITSErrorContext to 0x7
 If (IsReplyStaticURL is true)
    Set ResponseEntityPath to NULL
 Send success response to the client with the message format
  described in section 2.2.7 with ReplyURL info.
 Set state to WAIT_FOR_CLOSE