
The Xa_recover event MUST be signaled with the following arguments:

  • XID Array - Array into which recovered XIDs are to be placed.

  • Count - Maximum number of XIDs to be returned.

  • RMID - Resource Manager ID.

  • Flags - Flags defined in [XOPEN-DTP] Chapter 4.4.

The Xa_recover event MUST return the following value:

  • XA Result - If successful, the number of XIDs being returned. If unsuccessful, a return code defined in [XOPEN-DTP] Chapter 4.5.

If the Xa_recover event is signaled, the XA Superior Transaction Manager MUST perform the following actions:

  • If the provided Count field is less than 1:

    • Return XAER_INVAL.

  • Attempt to find an XA Superior Proxy object in the XA Superior Proxy Table keyed by the provided RMID.

  • If an object found:

    • If the State of the Transaction Manager Connection referenced by the XA Superior Proxy object is not set to Active:

      • Return XAER_RMFAIL.

    • Otherwise:

      • Create a RequestFlags variable with no flags set initially.

      • SHOULD<21> test if the Recovery Complete field of the found XA Superior Proxy object is set to TRUE and the provided Flags field does not have TMSTARTRSCAN set:

        • Return 0.

      • If TMSTARTRSCAN is set in the provided Flags field:

        • SHOULD<22> set the Recovery Complete field of the found XA Superior Proxy object to FALSE.

        • Set the Recovery Return Number field of the found XA Superior Proxy object to 0.

        • Set the XARECOVER_START_SCAN flag in the RequestFlags variable.

      • Otherwise:

        • If TMENDRSCAN is set in the provided Flags field:

          • SHOULD<23> set the Recovery Complete field of the found XA Superior Proxy object to TRUE.

          • MAY<24> set the XARECOVER_END_SCAN flag in the RequestFlags variable.

        • Otherwise:

          • Set the XARECOVER_CONTINUE_SCAN flag in the RequestFlags variable.

          • If the provided Flags field is not set to TMNOFLAGS:

            • SHOULD<25> return XAER_INVAL.

        • Set the XARECOVER_CONTINUE_SCAN flag in the RequestFlags variable.

      • SHOULD set the Recovery Request Number field of the found XA Superior Proxy object to a minimum value between an implementation-specific value and provided Count.<26>

      • Set the Recovery Max Return field of the found XA Superior Proxy object to the provided Count field.

      • Set the Transaction Manager Connection's State to Awaiting Recovery Response.

      • Set the Recovery Array field of the found XA Superior Proxy object to reference the provided XID Array.

      • Using the Transaction Manager Connection, send an XAUSER_CONTROL_MTAG_RECOVER message with the following values:

        • The RequestFlags field is set to the created the RequestFlags variable.

        • The totalUOWsRequested field SHOULD be set to a minimum value between an implementation-specific value and the provided Count field.<27>

        • Wait for a response and continue with the processing rules defined in CONNTYPE_XAUSER_CONTROL Initiator (section

  • Otherwise:

    • Return XAER_RMFAIL.