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The MQMSGJOURNAL enumeration defines flags for the Message.PositiveJournalingRequested and Message.NegativeJournalingRequested properties. The values of the enumeration indicate the source journaling mode for the Message. Source journaling is the process of retaining copies of messages that are sent. Two forms of source journaling are defined:

  • Positive source journaling: The QueueManager that sent the Message retains a copy of the message only if it is successfully delivered.

  • Negative source journaling: The QueueManager that sent the Message retains a copy of the message only if it is not successfully delivered. This behavior is also known as dead-lettering.

     typedef enum 
       MQMSG_JOURNAL = 2

MQMSG_JOURNAL_NONE:  Neither positive nor negative source-journaling is requested for the Message.

MQMSG_DEADLETTER:  Negative source journaling is requested for the Message.

If this value is specified for a Message, the message queuing system MUST copy the message to the QueueManager.SystemDeadletterQueue if the Message is not successfully delivered to the destination ApplicationQueue. If the Quota for the QueueManager.SystemDeadletterQueue is exceeded, the Message MUST be discarded. When this enumeration is specified, Message.NegativeJournalingRequested MUST be set to True.

MQMSG_JOURNAL:  Positive source journaling is requested for the Message.

If this value is specified for a Message, the message queuing system MUST copy the message to the QueueManager.SystemJournalQueue if the Message is successfully delivered to the destination ApplicationQueue. If the Quota for the QueueManager.SystemJournalQueue is exceeded, the Message MUST be discarded. When this enumeration is specified, Message.PositiveJournalingRequested MUST be set to True.

MQMSG_DEADLETTER and MQMSG_JOURNAL MAY be specified to enable both forms of source journaling.

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