3.1 Common Implementation Details

This section describes common implementation details that apply to the MSMQ: ActiveX Client Protocol, including the system data model expressed in conceptual terms (the abstract data model). The system data model represents an abstract message queuing system with which clients of this protocol interact.

All object classes defined by the MSMQ: ActiveX Client Protocol MUST inherit from, and implement, the standard IUnknown and IDispatch interfaces, as defined in [MS-DCOM] section and [MS-OAUT] section 3.1, respectively (except for the TransactionImpl class which implements IUnknown but not IDispatch.) Additional information can be found in [Box98]. For each object class that is defined in the following, the methods of IUnknown represent method opnums 0-2. The methods of IDispatch are opnums 3-6; therefore, the first defined opnum for each object class that is defined in sections 3.2 through 3.17 is 7.

Section 2.2 describes the particular data types, such as enumerations and data collections, that are referred to by elements of the system data model. Sections 3.2-3.17 describe the client protocol and respective server behavior in terms of manipulating the system data. These sections use a property accessor method name disambiguation convention where the prefix "put_" denotes a "propput" invocation type, "get_" denotes a "propget" invocation type, and "putref_" denotes a "propputref" invocation. For more information about OLE Automation invocation types, refer to [MS-OAUT] sections 2.2.14 and