Message Serialization

A new SRMPMessage to be sent by the QM MUST be serialized in the following way:

  • A string buffer large enough to hold the new outgoing message MUST be instantiated.

  • The structure of the new protocol message MUST be encoded in XML ([XML1.0]), as defined for [SOAP1.1] messages in section 2.2.

  • The contents of the <se:Envelope> element MUST be assembled as follows:

    • The string <se:Envelope xmlns:se="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/srmp/"> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

    • The contents of the <se:Header> element MUST be assembled as follows:

      • The string <se:Header> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

      • The contents of the <rp:path> element MUST be assembled as follows:

        • The string <path xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/rp/" se:mustUnderstand="1"> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The contents of the <action> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <action> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • If the SRMPMessage.Label attribute has a non-NULL value, the string "MSMQ:" MUST be appended to the string buffer and be followed by the string that is contained in the attribute.

          • The string </action> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The contents of the <to> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <to> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string contained in the SRMPMessage.DestinationQueueFormatName attribute MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </to> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The contents of the <id> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <id> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string "uuid:" MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the SRMPMessage.Identifier.Uniquifier attribute MUST be converted to a string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string "@" MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the SRMPMessage.Identifier.Lineage attribute MUST be converted to a string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </id> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.ResponseQueueFormatName attribute has a non-NULL value, the contents of the <rev> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <rev> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string <via> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string contained in the SRMPMessage.ResponseQueueFormatName attribute MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </via> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </rev> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The string </path> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

      • The contents of the <properties> element MUST be assembled as follows:

        • The string <properties se:mustUnderstand="1"> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The contents of the <expiresAt> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <expiresAt> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The UTC date/time calculated by adding the time span value contained in the SRMPMessage.TimeToReachQueue attribute to the UTC date/time value contained in the SRMPMessage.SentTime attribute MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </expiresAt> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The contents of the <sentAt> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <sentAt> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The UTC date/time string contained in the SRMPMessage.SentTime attribute MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </sentAt> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The string </properties> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

      • If the SRMPMessage.DeliveryGuarantee attribute is set to Recoverable, or if the SRMPMessage.AcknowledgementsRequested attribute includes the value AckPosArrival, or if the SRMPMessage.FinalAckRequired attribute is set to True, the contents of the <services> element MUST be assembled as follows:

        • The string <services se:mustUnderstand="1"> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.DeliveryGuarantee attribute is set to Recoverable, the string <durable/> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.AcknowledgementsRequested attribute includes the value AckPosArrival, the contents of the <deliveryReceiptRequest> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <deliveryReceiptRequest> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string <sendTo> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string contained in the SRMPMessage.AdministationQueueFormatName attribute MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </sendTo> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </deliveryReceiptRequest> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.FinalAckRequired attribute is set to True, the contents of the <commitmentReceiptRequest> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <commitmentReceiptRequest> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string <sendTo> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string contained in the SRMPMessage.AdministationQueueFormatName attribute MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </sendTo> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • If the SRMPMessage.AcknowledgementsRequested attribute includes the value AckPosReceive, the string <positiveOnly/> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • If the SRMPMessage.AcknowledgementsRequested attribute includes the value AckNegReceive, the string <negativeOnly/> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </commitmentReceiptRequest> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The string </services> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

      • If the SRMPMessage.TransactionalMessageSequenceIdentifier attribute has a nonzero value, the contents of the <stream> element MUST be assembled as follows:

        • The string <stream se:mustUnderstand="1"> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The contents of the <streamId> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <streamId> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string "uid:" MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the QueueManager.Identifier attribute MUST be converted to string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string "\" MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the SRMPMessage.TransactionalMessageSequenceIdentifier attribute MUST be converted to string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </streamId> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The contents of the <current> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <current> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the SRMPMessage.TransactionSequenceNumber attribute MUST be converted to string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </current> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.TransactionPreviousSequenceNumber attribute has a nonzero value, the contents of the <previous> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <previous> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the SRMPMessage.TransactionPreviousSequenceNumber attribute MUST be converted to a string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </previous> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.TransactionSequenceNumber attribute is set to 1, the contents of the <start> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <start> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string <sendReceiptsTo> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • Let ReceiptsURL be a URL that is formed by concatenating the following elements:

            • "http://" if SRMPMessage.DestinationQueueFormatName begins with "DIRECT=http:" or "https://" if SRMPMessage.DestinationQueueFormatName begins with "DIRECT=https:"

            • QueueManager.ComputerName

            • the string "MSMQ/PRIVATE$/order_queue$"

          • The value of SRMPMessage.DestinationQueueFormatName with the leading "DIRECT=" removed MUST be checked against the URLs in the From attributes of the <Redirection> elements in the StreamReceiptURLReplacementCollection (section If a match is found, ReceiptsURL MUST be set to the value of the To attribute of the <Redirection> element that had the matching From attribute. If no match is found and DefaultStreamReceiptURLReplacement is not empty, ReceiptsURL MUST be set to the value of DefaultStreamReceiptURLReplacement.

          • The string value of ReceiptsURL MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </sendReceiptsTo> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </start> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The string </stream> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

      • The contents of the <Msmq> element MUST be assembled as follows:

        • The string <Msmq xmlns="msmq.namespace.xml"> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The contents of the <Class> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <Class> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the SRMPMessage.Class attribute MUST be converted to a string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </Class> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The contents of the <Priority> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <Priority> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the SRMPMessage.Priority attribute MUST be converted to a string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </Priority> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.PositiveJournalingRequested attribute is set to True, the string <Journal > MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.NegativeJournalingRequested attribute is set to True, the string <DeadLetter > MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.CorrelationIdentifier attribute has a non-NULL value, the contents of the <Correlation> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <Correlation> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the SRMPMessage.CorrelationIdentifier attribute MUST be converted to a string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </Correlation> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.TracingRequested attribute is set to True, the string <Trace/> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.ConnectorTypeIdentifier attribute has a non-NULL value, the contents of the <ConnectorType> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <ConnectorType> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the SRMPMessage.ConnectorTypeIdentifier attribute MUST be converted to a string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </ConnectorType> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.ApplicationTag attribute has a nonzero value, the contents of the <App> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <App> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the SRMPMessage.ApplicationTag attribute MUST be converted to a string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </App> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The contents of the <BodyType> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <BodyType> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the SRMPMessage.BodyType attribute MUST be converted to a string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </BodyType> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.HashAlgorithm attribute has a nonzero value, the contents of the <HashAlgorithm> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <HashAlgorithm> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the SRMPMessage.HashAlgorithm attribute MUST be converted to a string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </HashAlgorithm> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.FirstInTransaction attribute is set to True, or if the SRMPMessage.LastInTransaction attribute is set to True, or if the SRMPMessage.ConnectorQueueManagerIdentifier attribute has a non-NULL value, the contents of the <Eod> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <Eod> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • If the SRMPMessage.FirstInTransaction attribute is set to True, the string <First/> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • If the SRMPMessage.LastInTransaction attribute is set to True, the string <Last/> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • If the SRMPMessage.ConnectorQueueManagerIdentifier attribute has a non-NULL value, the <ConnectorId> element MUST be assembled as follows:

            • The string <ConnectorId> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

            • The contents of the SRMPMessage.ConnectorQueueManagerIdentifier attribute MUST be converted to a string and appended to the string buffer.

            • The string </ConnectorId> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </Eod> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.AuthenticationProviderType attribute has a nonzero value, or if the SRMPMessage.AuthenticationProviderName attribute has a non-NULL value, the contents of the <Provider> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <Provider> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • If the SRMPMessage.AuthenticationProviderType attribute has a nonzero value, the contents of the <Type> element MUST be assembled as follows:

            • The string <Type> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

            • The contents of the SRMPMessage.AuthenticationProviderType attribute MUST be converted to a string and appended to the string buffer.

            • The string </Type> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • If the SRMPMessage.AuthenticationProviderName attribute has a non-NULL value, the contents of the <Name> element MUST be assembled as follows:

            • The string <Name> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

            • The contents of the SRMPMessage.AuthenticationProviderName attribute MUST be appended to the string buffer.

            • The string </Name> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </Provider> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The contents of the <SourceQmGuid> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <SourceQmGuid> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The contents of the SRMPMessage.SourceMachineIdentifier attribute MUST be converted to a string and appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </SourceQmGuid> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.DestinationMultiQueueFormatName attribute has a non-NULL value, the contents of the <DestinationMqf> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <DestinationMqf> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • For each member element of the string collection contained in SRMPMessage.DestinationMultiQueueFormatName, the string contained in the member element MUST be appended to the string buffer, followed by a white-space character (for example, blank or line feed).

          • The string </DestinationMqf> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.AdministrationMultiQueueFormatName attribute has a non-NULL value, the contents of the <AdminMqf> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <AdminMqf> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • For each member element of the string collection contained in SRMPMessage.AdministrationMultiQueueFormatName, the string contained in the member element MUST be appended to the string buffer, followed by a white-space character (for example, blank or line feed).

          • The string </AdminMqf> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If the SRMPMessage.ResponseMultiQueueFormatName attribute has a non-NULL value, the contents of the <ResponseMqf> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <ResponseMqf> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • For each member element of the string collection contained in SRMPMessage.ResponseMultiQueueFormatName, the string contained in the member element MUST be appended to the string buffer, followed by a white-space character (for example, blank or line feed).

          • The string </ResponseMqf> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The contents of the <TTrq> element MUST be assembled as follows:

          • The string <TTrq> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The UTC date/time string calculated by adding the time span value contained in the SRMPMessage.TimeToReachQueue attribute to the UTC date/time value contained in the SRMPMessage.SentTime attribute MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string </TTrq> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • The string </Msmq> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

        • If Message.AuthenticationLevel ([MS-MQDMPR] section equals XmlSig, the following actions MUST be taken.

          • The string <Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/02/xmldsig#"> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string <SignedInfo> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The string <SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/02/xmldsig#dsa"></SignatureMethod> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • If the message contains a <Body> element, the protocol MUST perform the following actions:

            • The string <Reference URI="cid:body@" MUST be appended to the string buffer, followed by a string that represents the GUID QueueManager.Identifier ([MS-MQDMPR] section, followed by the string ">.

            • If Message.HashAlgorithm ([MS-MQDMPR] section equals MD5, the protocol MUST perform the following steps:<29>

              • The string <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/02/xmldsig#md5"></DigestMethod> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

              • The string <DigestValue> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

              • The MD5 algorithm (see [RFC1321]) MUST be used to calculate a 128-bit digest of the <Body> element of this message. The 128-bit digest MUST be base64-encoded into a 24-octet octet stream that MUST be appended to the string buffer.

            • If Message.HashAlgorithm equals SHA1, the protocol MUST perform the following steps:

              • The string <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/02/xmldsig#sha1"></DigestMethod> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

              • The string <DigestValue> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

              • The SHA1 algorithm (see [RFC3174]) MUST be used to calculate a 160-bit digest of the <Body> element of this message. The 160-bit digest MUST be base64-encoded into a 28-octet octet stream that MUST be appended to the string buffer.

            • The strings </DigestValue> and </Reference > MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • If the message contains an <Extension> element, the protocol MUST perform the following actions:

            • The string <Reference URI="cid:extension@ MUST be appended to the string buffer, followed by a string that represents the GUID QueueManager.Identifier ([MS-MQDMPR] section, followed by the string ">.

            • If Message.HashAlgorithm equals MD5, the protocol MUST perform the following steps:

              • The string <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/02/xmldsig#md5"></DigestMethod> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

              • The string <DigestValue> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

              • The MD5 algorithm (see [RFC1321]) MUST be used to calculate a 128-bit digest of the <Extension> element of this message. The 128-bit digest MUST be base64-encoded into a 24-character stream that MUST be appended to the string buffer.

            • If Message.HashAlgorithm equals SHA1, the protocol MUST perform the following steps:

              • The string <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/02/xmldsig#sha1"></DigestMethod> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

              • The string <DigestValue> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

              • The SHA1 algorithm [RFC3174]) MUST be used to calculate a 160-bit digest of the <Extension> element of this message. The 160-bit digest MUST be base64-encoded into a 28-character stream that MUST be appended to the string buffer.

            • The strings </DigestValue> and </Reference > MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The strings</SignedInfo> and <SignatureValue> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • Using the sender's private key, the DSA [FIPS186] algorithm MUST be used to calculate a signature of the <SignedInfo> element that was constructed previously. The 512-bit signature MUST be base64-encoded into an 88-character stream that MUST be appended to the string buffer.

          • The strings </SignatureValue> and </Signature> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

      • The string </se:Header> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

      • The string <se:Body></se:Body> MUST be appended to the string buffer.

    • The string </se:Envelope> MUST be appended to the string buffer.