
The adtgColumnDescriptorParent element specifies a column of a RecordSet. An adtgColumnDescriptorParent is used whether the column is a column in a base table or is computed.

The syntax of an adtgColumnDescriptorParent element is defined as follows.

 adtgColumnDescriptorParent = adtgColumnDescriptorParentChapter /
 adtgColumnDescriptorParentNonChapter = adtgColumnDescriptorCommon
 adtgColumnDescriptorParentChapter    = adtgColumnDescriptorCommon

The fields of this element have the following lengths, types, and meanings:

  • adtgColumnDescriptorCommon

    Length: Variable

    For a description, see section

  • RelationConditions

    Specifies a relationship between a column in the parent table and a related column in a child RecordSet.

    RelationConditions MUST be present if, for the same adtgColumnDescriptorParent, adtgColumnDBType contains the value %x88.00 (DBTYPE-HCHAPTER) or the DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISCHAPTER bit of ColumnFlags is 1. RelationConditions MUST be omitted otherwise. For details on the syntax and contents of RelationConditions, see section For details on adtgColumnDBType, see section

  • CalculationInfo

    Specifies how a column is computed.

    The CalculationInfo field is optional, and its presence or absence is specified by the value of the fCalculationInfo bit in the adtgColumnDescriptorPresenceMap field (in adtgColumnDescriptorCommon). For details on the syntax and contents of CalculationInfo, see section