The DHCP_POL_COND structure specifies an individual condition of a policy.

 typedef struct _DHCP_POL_COND {
   DWORD ParentExpr;
   DWORD OptionID;
   DWORD SubOptionID;
   LPWSTR VendorName;
   [size_is(ValueLength)] LPBYTE Value;
   DWORD ValueLength;

ParentExpr: This member is of type DWORD and contains the index of the parent expression in the DHCP_POL_EXPR_ARRAY (section structure of the same policy.

Type: This member is of type DHCP_POL_ATTR_TYPE enumeration (section and identifies whether the condition is specified for an option, suboption, or hardware address.

OptionID: This member is of type DWORD and contains the identifier for the DHCP option if the Type member contains the DhcpAttrOption enumeration value.

SubOptionID: This member is of type DWORD and contains the identifier for the DHCP suboption of the option contained in the OptionID member, providing that the Type member contains the DhcpAttrSubOption enumeration value.

VendorName: This member is a pointer of type LPWSTR that points to a NULL terminated Unicode string containing the name of a vendor class. This member identifies the vendor class to which the OptionID or SubOptionID belongs, in case of a vendor-specific option/suboption being specified in the condition. This field is currently unused.

Operator: This member is of type DHCP_POL_COMPARATOR enumeration (section and specifies the comparison operator for the condition.

Value: This member is of type LPBYTE and points to an array of bytes containing the value to be used for the comparison.

ValueLength: This member is of type DWORD and specifies the length of the Value member.