IVolumeClient3::SetDontShow (Opnum 54)

The SetDontShow method sets a Boolean value that indicates whether to show a disk initialization tool. <221>

 HRESULT SetDontShow(
   [in] boolean bSetNoShow

bSetNoShow: Boolean value that determines whether the New Disk Wizard is enabled.





Enables the New Disk Wizard. This is the default value. This value indicates that the user has not selected the check box in the New Disk Wizard to request that the wizard not be displayed in the future.



Disables the New Disk Wizard. This value indicates that the user has selected the check box in the New Disk Wizard to request that the wizard not be displayed in the future.

Return Values: The method MUST return 0 or a nonerror HRESULT on success, or an implementation-specific nonzero error code on failure (as specified in [MS-ERREF]; see also section 2.2.1 for HRESULT values predefined by the Disk Management Remote Protocol).

When the server receives an IVolumeClient3::SetDontShow message, it MUST process that message, as specified in IVolumeClient::SetDontShow (section