Create Share SMB


To create a share for access by using SMB access protocols.

Context of Use

The administrator is setting up a file server or is adding a share to an existing file server.


  • Admin tool

    The admin tool is the primary actor that triggers this use case. The admin tool is a program that offers management functionality to the administrator through the admin client. Typical admin tools are command-line tools and graphical shells, management utilities, and graphical management programs. The purpose of the admin tool is to correctly interpret, execute, and display the results of the commands that are issued by the administrator.

  • Admin client

    The admin client is a supporting actor that implements client-side protocol components and consumes the file server administration services that are offered by the file server. The admin client is internal to the File Services Management system.

  • SMB File Service

    The SMB File Service is a supporting actor that implements server-side protocol components and the file services that are consumed by the admin client.

  • Authentication Services

    The Authentication Services is the supporting actor that is used for authentication.


  • Administrator

    The administrator is the person who administers the file server. The administrator has administrative rights and uses the File Services Management system to provide the SMB File Service.


The administrator has identified a file server, an available share name on a file server, and a location on the file server's object store to host the share. An SMB File Service is present on the file server that implements the Server Service Remote Protocol [MS-SRVS].

Main Success Scenario

  1. Trigger: The admin tool receives a request from the administrator to create a share on the file server. The admin tool establishes a communication channel to the SMB File Service, as described in [MS-SRVS] section 2.1.

  2. The admin tool establishes a communication channel to the SMB File Service, as described in [MS-SRVS] section 2.1.

  3. The SMB File Service authenticates the administrator through the mechanisms as described in [MS-AUTHSOD] section

  4. The admin tool contacts the SMB File Service by using the NetrShareAdd method, as described in [MS-SRVS] section, to create the share on the file server.

  5. The SMB File Service authorizes the administrator through the mechanisms, as described in [MS-SRVS] section

  6. The SMB File Service creates the requested share that stores configuration information in an implementation-specific manner.


The named share is created on the file server.


If the communication channel for the Server Service Remote Protocol [MS-SRVS] cannot be established, or it becomes disconnected:

  • The admin tool can attempt to establish connection multiple times; ultimately, the use case ends with failure. Depending on when the connection failed, the share could or could not have been created.

If user authorization or user authentication fails:

  • The use case ends with failure.

If share creation fails:

  • The use case ends with failure.