SourceListPublish (Opcode 9)

Operation code 9 provides information about sources for creating the product. SourceListPublish includes the following arguments:

PatchCode: ASCII character string. The value MUST be NULL.

PatchPackageName: ASCII character string. The value MUST be NULL.

DiskPromptTemplate: A string (array) of either ASCII characters or Unicode characters. The value is copied from the DiskPrompt property specified in [MSDN-DiskPrompt].

PackagePath: A string (array) of either ASCII characters or Unicode characters,  PackagePath is the full path to the MSI package of the product being advertised. For example, "\\server\share\apps\app1\example.msi".

NumberOfDisks: 32-bit signed integer. The value is copied from the Media Table and is a count of the number of media entries for the package.

DiskId: 32-bit signed integer. The value is copied from the Media Table.

Note: This argument is repeated for each disk specified in NumberOfDisks.

VolumeName: A string (array) of either ASCII characters or Unicode characters. The value is copied from the Media Table.

Note: This argument is repeated for each disk specified in NumberOfDisks.

DiskPrompt: A string (array) of either ASCII characters or Unicode characters. The value is copied from the Media Table.

Note: This argument is repeated for each disk specified in NumberOfDisks.

LaunchPath: A string (array) of either ASCII characters or Unicode characters. LaunchPath is the source location for the .msi package. The value is copied from the Media Table.

When the installation is invoked after advertisement, the .msi package will be accessed at this location. This location MUST exist and MUST include the .msi that this advertise script represents.

For example, if an advertise script for the .msi package at "\\server\share\apps\app1\example.msi" was created, LaunchPath will be set to "\\server\share\apps\app1\".