2.2.19 W3_STATISTICS_1

The W3_STATISTICS_1 structure contains statistics on the usage of the HTTP server.

This type is declared as follows:

 typedef struct _W3_STATISTICS_1 {
   LARGE_INTEGER TotalBytesSent;
   LARGE_INTEGER TotalBytesReceived;
   DWORD TotalFilesSent;
   DWORD TotalFilesReceived;
   DWORD CurrentAnonymousUsers;
   DWORD CurrentNonAnonymousUsers;
   DWORD TotalAnonymousUsers;
   DWORD TotalNonAnonymousUsers;
   DWORD MaxAnonymousUsers;
   DWORD MaxNonAnonymousUsers;
   DWORD CurrentConnections;
   DWORD MaxConnections;
   DWORD ConnectionAttempts;
   DWORD LogonAttempts;
   DWORD TotalOptions;
   DWORD TotalGets;
   DWORD TotalPosts;
   DWORD TotalHeads;
   DWORD TotalPuts;
   DWORD TotalDeletes;
   DWORD TotalTraces;
   DWORD TotalMove;
   DWORD TotalCopy;
   DWORD TotalMkcol;
   DWORD TotalPropfind;
   DWORD TotalProppatch;
   DWORD TotalSearch;
   DWORD TotalLock;
   DWORD TotalUnlock;
   DWORD TotalOthers;
   DWORD TotalCGIRequests;
   DWORD TotalBGIRequests;
   DWORD TotalNotFoundErrors;
   DWORD TotalLockedErrors;
   DWORD CurrentCalAuth;
   DWORD MaxCalAuth;
   DWORD TotalFailedCalAuth;
   DWORD CurrentCalSsl;
   DWORD MaxCalSsl;
   DWORD TotalFailedCalSsl;
   DWORD CurrentCGIRequests;
   DWORD CurrentBGIRequests;
   DWORD MaxCGIRequests;
   DWORD MaxBGIRequests;
   DWORD CurrentBlockedRequests;
   DWORD TotalBlockedRequests;
   DWORD TotalAllowedRequests;
   DWORD TotalRejectedRequests;
   DWORD MeasuredBw;
   DWORD ServiceUptime;
   DWORD TimeOfLastClear;
   DWORD nAuxCounters;
   DWORD rgCounters[20];

TotalBytesSent: The total number of bytes sent.

TotalBytesReceived: The total number of bytes received.

TotalFilesSent: The total number of files sent by the HTTP server.

TotalFilesReceived: The total number of files received by the HTTP server.

CurrentAnonymousUsers: The current number of anonymous users connected to the HTTP server.

CurrentNonAnonymousUsers: The current number of non-anonymous users connected to the HTTP server.

TotalAnonymousUsers: The total number of anonymous users that have ever connected to the HTTP server.

TotalNonAnonymousUsers: The total number of non-anonymous users that have ever connected to the HTTP server.

MaxAnonymousUsers: The maximum number of anonymous users who simultaneously connected to the HTTP server.

MaxNonAnonymousUsers: The maximum number of non-anonymous users who simultaneously connected to the HTTP server.

CurrentConnections: The current number of connections to the HTTP server.

MaxConnections: The maximum number of connections to the HTTP server.

ConnectionAttempts: The number of connection attempts that have been made to the HTTP server.

LogonAttempts: The number of logon attempts that have been made to the HTTP server.

TotalOptions: The total number of HTTP requests made with the OPTIONS method.

TotalGets: The total number of HTTP requests made using the GET method.

TotalPosts: The total number of HTTP requests made using the POST method.

TotalHeads: The total number of HTTP requests made using the HEAD method.

TotalPuts: The total number of HTTP requests made using the PUT method.

TotalDeletes: The total number of HTTP requests made using the DELETE method.

TotalTraces: The total number of HTTP requests made using the TRACE method.

TotalMove: The total number of WebDAV requests made using the MOVE method. For more information on WebDAV requests, see [RFC2518].

TotalCopy: The total number of WebDAV requests made using the COPY method.

TotalMkcol: The total number of WebDAV requests made using the MKCOL method.

TotalPropfind: The total number of WebDAV requests made using the PROPFIND method.

TotalProppatch: The total number of WebDAV requests made using the PROPPATCH method.

TotalSearch: The total number of requests made using the SEARCH method.

TotalLock: The total number of WebDAV requests made using the LOCK method.

TotalUnlock: The total number of WebDAV requests made using the UNLOCK method.

TotalOthers: The total number of HTTP requests made to methods not already listed.

TotalCGIRequests: The total number of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) requests ever made to the HTTP server.

TotalBGIRequests: The total number of Binary Gateway Interface (BGI) requests ever made to the HTTP server.

TotalNotFoundErrors: The total number of requests that could not be satisfied by the server because the requested document could not be found. These requests are generally reported as an HTTP 404 error code to the client.

TotalLockedErrors: The total number of locked errors.

CurrentCalAuth: The current number of Client Access Licenses (CALs) that are authorized (for more information, see [MSFT-CAL]).

MaxCalAuth: The maximum number of CALs that are authorized.

TotalFailedCalAuth: The total number of failed CAL authorizations.

CurrentCalSsl: The current number of CALs for a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection.

MaxCalSsl: The maximum number of CALs for an SSL connection.

TotalFailedCalSsl: The total number of failed CAL SSL connections.

CurrentCGIRequests: The current number of CGI requests. For more information on CGI, see [RFC3875].

CurrentBGIRequests: The current number of BGI requests.

MaxCGIRequests: The maximum number of CGI requests allowed.

MaxBGIRequests: The maximum number of BGI requests allowed.

CurrentBlockedRequests: The current number of blocked requests.

TotalBlockedRequests: The total number of blocked requests.

TotalAllowedRequests: The total number of allowed requests to the HTTP server.

TotalRejectedRequests: The total number of rejected requests.

MeasuredBw: The measured network bandwidth for the HTTP server.

ServiceUptime: The HTTP server uptime.

TimeOfLastClear: The time of the last clear.

nAuxCounters: The number of initialized elements in rgCounters. MUST be 0.

rgCounters: An array of 20 elements. This field is unused and MUST be ignored by clients.