Read Directory End

 This event MUST be generated with the following arguments:

Return Values:

  • rStatus: A DirectoryOperationResult that indicates the result of this directory operation.

 The MQDS client MUST perform the following actions to process this event:

  • Let ReadIterator be the ReadDirectoryIteratorState element in the ReadDirectoryIteratorStateCollection for which the value of the Handle attribute equals the value of iQueryHandle. If there is no such ReadDirectoryIteratorState element in the collection, processing MUST end and rStatus MUST be set to DirectoryOperationResult.GenericError.

  • ReadIterator MUST be removed from the ReadDirectoryIteratorStateCollection.

  • The PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE value stored in ReadIterator.Handle MUST be discarded by calling S_DSLookupEnd (section with argument phContext set to the value of ReadIterator.Handle. If the return value is not MQ_OK, processing MUST end and rStatus MUST be set to DirectoryOperationResult.GenericError.

  • ReadIterator MUST be discarded.

  • Processing MUST end, and rStatus MUST be set to DirectoryOperationResult.Success.