2.2.1 HRESULT Return Codes

An HRESULT return code defined in [MS-ERREF] MUST be returned by the server to indicate additional information about the result of a method call or the reason that a call failed. If the result is an error rather than simple status information, the most significant bit of the HRESULT is set, as specified by [MS-ERREF]. The following list contains HRESULTs specified in [MS-ERREF], and the methods from which the HRESULTs can be returned, that correspond to error conditions specific to the operation of the PLA Protocol.

Note that the preceding HRESULTs are necessarily returned from the specified PLA Protocol methods; other HRESULTs defined in [MS-ERREF] can be returned from the method in place of those listed in the preceding table.

Return value/code




The data collector set was not found.

This HRESULT can be returned from the following methods:

IDataCollectorSet::Commit: Name does not refer to an existing data collector set, and mode is set to plaModify.

IDataCollectorSet::Query: Name does not refer to an existing data collector set.

IDataCollector::DataCollectorSet(Get): Data collector was never added to a data collector set.

IDataCollectorSet::LatestOutputLocation: Data collector was never added to a data collector set or it was removed from a data collector set.

IDataCollectorSet::Delete: IDataCollectorSet::Commit was not called on the data collector set.



The data collector set or one of its dependencies is already in use.

This HRESULT can be returned from the following method:

IDataCollectorSet::Start: Data collector set is already started.



The data collector set already exists.

This HRESULT can be returned from the following method:

IDataCollectorSet::Commit: The data collector set already exists, and mode is set to CreateNew.



The property value will be ignored.



Property value conflict. See section for more information.



A conflict was detected in the list of include/exclude APIs. Do not specify the same API in both the include and exclude lists.

This HRESULT can be returned from the following method:

IDataCollectorSet::Commit: Elements in the IncludeApis and ExcludeApis arrays overlap.



The specified executable path refers to a network share or UncPath.

This HRESULT can be returned from the following method:

IDataCollectorSet::Start: IApiTracingDataCollector::ExePath refers to a nonlocal location.



The specified executable path is already configured for API tracing.

This HRESULT can be returned from the following method:

IDataCollectorSet::Start: IApiTracingDataCollector::ExePath refers to an executable that is already being traced.



The specified executable path does not exist. Verify that the specified path is correct.

This HRESULT can be returned from the following method:

IDataCollectorSet::Start: IApiTracingDataCollector::ExePath does not point to a file.



The data collector already exists.

This HRESULT can be returned from the following method:

IDataCollectorCollection::Add: Data collector collection already contains a data collector with the same name.



The wait for the data collector set start notification has timed out.

This HRESULT can be returned from the following method:

IDataCollectorSet::Start: Synchronous start was requested but the request timed out.



Duplicate items are not allowed.

This HRESULT can be returned from the following methods:

IConfigurationDataCollector::RegistryKeys(Put): Duplicate registry keys are specified in the RegistryKeys property.

IPerformanceCounterDataCollector::PerformanceCounters(Put): Duplicate performance counters are specified in the PerformanceCounters property.

ITraceDataProviderCollection::Add: Duplicate providers are specified in the collection.

IDataCollector::Xml(Get): Duplicate providers are specified in the collection.

IDataCollector::SetXml: Duplicate providers are specified in the collection.



When specifying the executable file that needs to be traced, the caller MUST specify a full path to the executable file and not just a file name.

This HRESULT can be returned from the following method:

IApiTracingDataCollector: IApiTracingDataCollector::ExePath: was not an absolute path.