W32TimeGetNetlogonServiceBits (Opnum 1)

The W32TimeGetNetlogonServiceBits method returns information about the functionality that the time service provides. The MIDL syntax of this method is specified as follows.

 unsigned long W32TimeGetNetlogonServiceBits(
   [in] handle_t hBinding

hBinding: RPC primitive binding handle, as specified in [C706] part 3, sections Interface Definition Language and Stubs.

Return Values: This method returns an unsigned 32-bit field that contains information about the functionality that the time service provides. Multiple bits can be set in the return value. Any bits not defined as follows MUST be set to zero by servers and ignored by clients.

Return value/code




The time service provides a time source with which clients can synchronize using NTP, as specified in [RFC1305].



The time service provides a reliable time source with which clients can synchronize using NTP, as specified in [RFC1305].

The time service MUST construct a return value that comprises a logical OR of the previously specified flags. In the return value, the bit corresponding to the DS_TIMESERV_FLAG MUST be set to the value of the time service's IsTimeServer data element, and the bit corresponding to the DS_GOOD_TIMESERV_FLAG MUST be set to the value of the time service's IsReliableTimeServer data element.<38>