3.1.1 Abstract Data Model

This section describes a conceptual model of possible data organization that an implementation maintains to participate in this protocol. The described organization is provided to facilitate the explanation of how the protocol behaves. This document does not mandate that implementations adhere to this model as long as their external behavior is consistent with that described in this document.

WSPELD extensions apply to both the WS-Enumeration [WSENUM] and WS-Transfer [WXFR] protocols. When added, these extensions participate as a controlling factor, influencing the existing operations performed by implementing those protocols, in a specific manner. WSPELD does not define any abstract data model of its own beyond the underlying data model description provided by the WS-Enumeration and WS-Transfer Protocols. Implementers should refer to the abstract model defined in section 3.1.1 of [MS-WSTIM], when these extensions are being used with WSTIM extensions.