CoE CLI development (Deprecated)


The CoE CLI is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the Power Platform Project Setup Wizard to set up and manage your ALM Accelerator for Power Platform projects.

This section outlines the following key sections on the CoE CLI. The information below can help guide you in making contributions back to the open-source repository.

Quick start

The coe-cli command-line application makes use of following components.

  1. NodeJS to provide cross-platform support.
  2. TypeScript to use published type definitions for dependent components.
  3. Jest for unit tests.

Initial commands

  1. Download or clone coe-starter-kit.

  2. Go to the coe-cli folder.

    cd coe-cli
  3. Install dependent components.

    npm install
  4. Build from the source code.

    npm run build
  5. Install the coe command.

    npm link

Understand the concepts


Documentation is critical for users of the CoE understanding the commands. The documentation pages describe how to add or modify CoE CLI.

Development frameworks

If you're new to TypeScript, the following links may help.

If you're new to unit testing with Jest, start with this article.

Development environment set-up

Edit and debug the CLI using Visual Studio Code.

  1. If you don't have Visual Studio Code, download it at

  2. Once installed, open the coe-cli folder in Visual Studio Code.

  3. The .vscode/launch.json file contains a preconfigured debug launch command.

  4. You can edit the sample.json file to the commands that you want to debug.

  5. Place breakpoints in the TypeScript files you want to debug, and then press F5 to start debugging.


  • Depending on the command you want to debug, you might be prompted to sign in to the DEBUG CONSOLE.

  • If you're testing with a different account, you'll need to sign out of any existing Azure CLI sessions.

    az logout

Debugging commands

You can debug the coe-cli application commands using Visual Studio Code.

  1. Change the sample.json to the command or commands you want to run.
  2. Open the coe-cli folder in Visual Studio Code.
  3. Place breakpoints in the TypeScript code you want to debug.
  4. Press F5 or select Run > Start Debugging.