Managing package owners

Ownership of a package in the PowerShell Gallery is defined by who published the package to the gallery. Sometimes this metadata needs to be managed beyond the initial package publishing, which means the owner metadata needs to be mutable while the package itself is not.

All package owners are peers. This means any package owner can publish a new version of an package. It also means that any package owner can remove any other package owner. No owner has more authority than other owners.

Setting a Package's Initial Owner

When a new package is published to PowerShell Gallery, the initial owner is defined by the user that published the package. This is determined by whose API key was used in the Publish-Module cmdlet.

Adding Owners

Once a package has been published to the PowerShell Gallery, it's easy to invite additional users to become owners of a package.

  1. Log on to the PowerShell Gallery with the account that is the current owner of a package.
  2. Navigate to a package page using the 'Items' tab, searching, or clicking your username and then Manage My Packages.
  3. When logged on as an package's owner, there is a 'Manage Owners' link on the left side to click.
  4. Enter the username of the person to add as an owner and click 'Add'.
  5. An email is then sent to the new co-owner, as an invitation to become an owner of a package.
  6. Once that user clicks the link, they are a full co-owner with full control over a package, including the ability to remove other users as owners.


Until the new owner confirms ownership, they will not be listed as an owner of a package. When viewing the Manage Owners page, you will see a "pending approval" entry in the current owners. That invitation can be removed; just as other owners can be removed. This process of invitations prevents users from falsely adding other users as owners of their packages.

The "Authors" metadata is purely freeform text; only "Owners" are controlled.

Removing Owners

When a package has multiple owners and one needs to be removed, the process is simple:

  1. Log on to PowerShell Gallery with the account that is the current owner of a package;
  2. Navigate to a package page using the Packages tab, searching, or clicking your username and then Manage My Packages.
  3. When logged on as a package's owner, there is a 'Manage Owners' link on the left side to click;
  4. Click the 'remove' link next to the owner to be removed.

Transferring Package Ownership

We sometimes get support requests to transfer package ownership from one user to another, but you can almost always accomplish this yourself. Transferring ownership from one user to another is simply a combination of the two features above.

  1. The current owner invites the new user to become a co-owner and the new user accepts the invite;
  2. The new user removes the old user from the list of owners.

This request has come in under a couple forms but the process works the same.

  • The package ownership is changing from one developer to another
  • The package was accidentally published using the wrong account

Orphaned Packages

One last scenario has occurred, but not many times. Packages have become orphans and the only package owner account cannot be used to add new owners. Here are some examples of this scenario:

  • The owner's account is associated with an email address that no longer exists and the user has forgotten their password
  • The registered owner has left the company that produces the package and cannot be reached to update the package ownership
  • Due to a bug that has only affected a handful of packages, the package is somehow ownerless on the gallery

The PowerShell Gallery Administrators can access the 'Manage Owners' link for any package. If you are the rightful owner of a package and cannot reach the current owner to gain ownership permissions, then use the 'Report Abuse' link on the gallery to reach the PowerShell Gallery Administrators. We will then follow a process to verify your ownership of the package. If we determine you should be an owner of the package, we will use the 'Manage Owners' link for the package ourselves and send you the invite to become an owner. We will only do this after verifying that you should be an owner and the process for this varies by circumstances. Often times, we will use the package's Project URL to find a way to contact the project owner, but we may also use Twitter, Email, or other means for contacting the project owner.