
Creates a quota list.


New-MgmtSvcQuotaList []


The New-MgmtSvcQuotaList cmdlet creates a quota list.


Example 1: Create a quota list and update a plan

PS C:\> New-MgmtSvcQuotaList | Update-MgmtSvcPlanQuota -AdminUri "https://Computer01:30004" -Token $Token -PlanId "4396660b"

NOTE: This example assumes that you have created a token by using Get-MgmtSvcToken and have stored it in a variable named $Token.

This command creates a quota list and uses the pipeline operator to pass the quota list object to Update-MgmtSvcPlanQuota which adds the quota list to the plan with the ID of 4396660b.

Example 2: Create a quota list and update an add-on

PS C:\> New-MgmtSvcQuotaList | Update-MgmtSvcAddOnQuota -AdminUri "https://Computer01:30004" -Token $Token -AddOnId "7b337b38"

NOTE: This example assumes that you have created a token by using Get-MgmtSvcToken and have stored it in a variable named $Token.

This command creates a quota list and uses the pipeline operator to pass the quota list object to Update-MgmtSvcAddOnQuota which adds the quota list to the add-on with the ID of 7b337b38.