
Gets the Service Fabric application types registered on the Service Fabric cluster which match the provided filters.


   [[-ApplicationTypeName] <String>]
   [[-ApplicationTypeVersion] <String>]
   [-ApplicationTypeDefinitionKindFilter <ApplicationTypeDefinitionKindFilter>]
   [-TimeoutSec <Int32>]
   [[-ApplicationTypeName] <String>]
   [-TimeoutSec <Int32>]


The Get-ServiceFabricApplicationType cmdlet gets the Service Fabric application types registered or registering on the Service Fabric cluster which match the provided filters. Each version of an application type is returned as an individual result in the result array. If no application types are found matching the provided parameters, this query does not return anything.

Before you perform any operation on a Service Fabric cluster, establish a connection to the cluster by using the Connect-ServiceFabricCluster cmdlet.


Example 1: Get all registered or registering application types

PS C:\> Get-ServiceFabricApplicationType

This command gets all registered application types.

Example 2: Get registered or registering application type with specified type names

PS C:\> # Scenario: multiple application types are provisioned in the cluster, including TestApp versions 1 and 2, as well as TestApp2 version 1.
PS C:\> Get-ServiceFabricApplicationType -ApplicationTypeName "TestApp"

This command gets all the versions of the application type "TestApp". This does not get the application type "TestApp2" because the application type name is not an exact match.

Example 3: Get all registered or registering application types without default application parameters

PS C:\>Get-ServiceFabricApplicationType -ExcludeApplicationParameters

This command gets all registered application types. The returned System.Fabric.Query.ApplicationType object(s) have an unpopulated DefaultParameters property, regardless of whether the application type has default application parameters.

Example 4: Get all registered or registering application types with paging and then piping

PS C:\> Get-ServiceFabricApplicationType -UsePaging | Get-ServiceFabricApplicationManifest

This command gets all registered or registering application types using paging. This means that messages are not dropped if they do not fit into one message, whose size is determined by the max messaage size configuration. Paging is done behind the scenes by the query. Piping and other functionality remains unchanged.



Specifies the filter for ApplicationTypeDefinitionKindFilter based on how the application type is defined. The value can be obtained from members or bitwise operations on members of ApplicationTypeDefinitionKindFilter. Only applications type that match the filter are returned. ApplicationTypeName and ApplicationTypeDefinitionKindFilter can not be specified together.

Accepted values:Default, ServiceFabricApplicationPackage, Compose, MeshApplicationDescription, All
Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the name of a Service Fabric application type. The cmdlet gets all versions of the application type name that you specify.

If you do not specify this parameter, this cmdlet gets all application types. This parameter matches against the case sensitive exact application type names defined in the application manifest of all provisioned or provisioning application types. For example, the value "Test" does not match "TestApp" because it is only a partial match. This value should not contain the version of the application type, and matches all versions of the same application type name.

ApplicationTypeName and ApplicationTypeDefinitionKindFilter can not be specified together.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the version of a Service Fabric application type. The cmdlet gets the application type that matches the specified application type name and version.

Only provide this parameter if also providing the ApplicationTypeName parameter. This parameter performs a filter on top of the ApplicationTypeName filter. It matches against the case sensitive exact application type version defined in the application manifest of a provisioned or provisioning application type. For example, the value "Version" does not match "Version1" because it is only a partial match. This value should not contain the name of the application type.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies whether to exclude default application parameters from the query result.

If set, the default application parameters field is still visible, but is empty.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the time-out period, in seconds, for the operation.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies whether to use a paged version of this query.

If this query is unpaged, the number of returned results is restricted by the max message size configuration. If not specified and there are too many application types to fit into a message, the query fails. No results are returned to the user. If the query is paged, then results are not dropped due to message size contraints because the results are broken up into pages when needed and looped through. Paging is done internally by the query, and no additional steps are required.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False



