JEA Security Considerations

JEA helps you improve your security posture by reducing the number of permanent administrators on your machines. JEA uses a PowerShell session configuration to create a new entry point for users to manage the system. Users who need elevated, but not unlimited, access to the machine to do administrative tasks can be granted access to the JEA endpoint. Since JEA allows these users to run administrative commands without having full administrator access, you can then remove those users from highly privileged security groups.

Run-As account

Each JEA endpoint has a designated run-as account under which the connecting user's actions are executed. This account is configurable in the session configuration file, and the account you choose has a significant bearing on the security of your endpoint.

Virtual accounts are the recommended way of configuring the run-as account. Virtual accounts are one-time, temporary local accounts that are created for the connecting user to use during the duration of their JEA session. As soon as their session is terminated, the virtual account is destroyed and can't be used anymore. The connecting user doesn't know the credentials for the virtual account. The virtual account can't be used to access the system via other means like Remote Desktop or an unconstrained PowerShell endpoint.

By default, virtual accounts are members of the local Administrators group on the machine. This membership gives them full rights to manage anything on the system, but no rights to manage resources on the network. When the user connects to other machines from the JEA session, the user context is that of the local computer account, not the virtual account.

Domain controllers are a special case since there isn't a local Administrators group. Instead, virtual accounts belong to Domain Admins and can manage the directory services on the domain controller. The domain identity is still restricted for use on the domain controller where the JEA session was instantiated. Any network access appears to come from the domain controller computer object instead.

In both cases, you may assign the virtual account to specific security groups, especially when the task can be done without local or domain administrator privileges. If you already have a security group defined for your administrators, grant the virtual account membership to that group. Group membership for virtual accounts is limited to local security groups on workstation and member servers. On domain controllers, virtual accounts must be members of domain security groups. Once the virtual account has been added to one or more security groups, it no longer belongs to the default groups (local or domain administrators).

The following table summarizes the possible configuration options and resulting permissions for virtual accounts:

Computer type Virtual account group configuration Local user context Network user context
Domain controller Default Domain user, member of <DOMAIN>\Domain Admins Computer account
Domain controller Domain groups A and B Domain user, member of <DOMAIN>\A, <DOMAIN>\B Computer account
Member server or workstation Default Local user, member of BUILTIN\Administrators Computer account
Member server or workstation Local groups C and D Local user, member of <COMPUTER>\C and <COMPUTER>\D Computer account

When you look at Security audit and Application event logs, you see that each JEA user session has a unique virtual account. This unique account helps you track user actions in a JEA endpoint back to the original user who ran the command. Virtual account names follow the format WinRM Virtual Users\WinRM_VA_<ACCOUNTNUMBER>_<DOMAIN>_<sAMAccountName> For example, if user Alice in domain Contoso restarts a service in a JEA endpoint, the username associated with any service control manager events would be WinRM Virtual Users\WinRM_VA_1_contoso_alice.

Group-managed service accounts (gMSAs) are useful when a member server needs to have access to network resources in the JEA session. For example, when a JEA endpoint is used to control access to a REST API service hosted on a different machine. It's easy to write functions to invoke the REST APIs, but you need a network identity to authenticate with the API. Using a group-managed service account makes the second hop possible while maintaining control over which computers can use the account. The security group (local or domain) memberships of the gMSA defined the effective permissions for the gMSA account.

When a JEA endpoint is configured to use a gMSA, the actions of all JEA users appear to come from the same gMSA. The only way to trace actions back to a specific user is to identify the set of commands run in a PowerShell session transcript.

Pass-through credentials are used when you don't specify a run-as account. PowerShell uses the connecting user's credential to run commands on the remote server. To use pass-through credentials, you must grant the connecting user direct access to privileged management groups. This configuration is NOT recommended for JEA. If the connecting user already has administrator privileges, they can bypass JEA and manage the system using other access methods.

Standard run-as accounts allow you to specify any user account under which the entire PowerShell session runs. Session configurations using fixed run-as accounts (with the -RunAsCredential parameter) aren't JEA-aware. Role definitions no longer function as expected. Every user authorized to access the endpoint is assigned the same role.

You shouldn't use a RunAsCredential on a JEA endpoint because it's difficult to trace actions back to specific users and lacks support for mapping users to roles.

WinRM Endpoint ACL

As with regular PowerShell remoting endpoints, each JEA endpoint has a separate access control list (ACL) that controls who can authenticate with the JEA endpoint. If improperly configured, trusted users may not be able to access the JEA endpoint, and untrusted users may have access. The WinRM ACL doesn't affect the mapping of users to JEA roles. Mapping is controlled by the RoleDefinitions field in the session configuration file used to register the endpoint.

By default, when a JEA endpoint has multiple role capabilities, the WinRM ACL is configured to allow access to all mapped users. For example, a JEA session configured using the following commands grants full access to CONTOSO\JEA_Lev1 and CONTOSO\JEA_Lev2.

$roles = @{ 'CONTOSO\JEA_Lev1' = 'Lev1Role'; 'CONTOSO\JEA_Lev2' = 'Lev2Role' }
New-PSSessionConfigurationFile -Path '.\jea.pssc' -SessionType RestrictedRemoteServer -RoleDefinitions $roles -RunAsVirtualAccount
Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Path '.\jea.pssc' -Name 'MyJEAEndpoint'

You can audit user permissions with the Get-PSSessionConfiguration cmdlet.

Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name 'MyJEAEndpoint' | Select-Object Permission
CONTOSO\JEA_Lev1 AccessAllowed
CONTOSO\JEA_Lev2 AccessAllowed

To change which users have access, run either Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name 'MyJEAEndpoint' -ShowSecurityDescriptorUI for an interactive prompt or Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name 'MyJEAEndpoint' -SecurityDescriptorSddl <SDDL string> to update the permissions. Users need at least Invoke rights to access the JEA endpoint.

It's possible to create a JEA endpoint that doesn't map a defined role to every user that has access. These users can start a JEA session, but only have access to the default cmdlets. You can audit user permissions in a JEA endpoint by running Get-PSSessionCapability. For more information, see Auditing and Reporting on JEA.

Least privilege roles

When designing JEA roles, it's important to remember that the virtual and group-managed service accounts running behind the scenes can have unrestricted access to the local machine. JEA role capabilities help limit the commands and applications that can be run in that privileged context. Improperly designed roles can allow dangerous commands that may permit a user to break out of the JEA boundaries or obtain access to sensitive information.

For example, consider the following role capability entry:

    VisibleCmdlets = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\*-Process'

This role capability allows users to run any PowerShell cmdlet with the noun Process from the Microsoft.PowerShell.Management module. Users may need to access cmdlets like Get-Process to see what applications are running on the system and Stop-Process to kill applications that aren't responding. However, this entry also allows Start-Process, which can be used to start up an arbitrary program with full administrator permissions. The program doesn't need to be installed locally on the system. A connected user could start a program from a file share that gives the user local administrator privileges, runs malware, and more.

A more secure version of this same role capability would look like:

    VisibleCmdlets = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-Process',

Avoid using wildcards in role capabilities. Be sure to regularly audit effective user permissions to see which commands are accessible to a user. For more information, see the Check effective rights section of the Auditing and Reporting on JEA article.

Best practice recommendations

The following are best practice recommendations to ensure the security of your JEA endpoints:

Limit the use and capabilities of PowerShell providers

Review how the allowed providers are used to ensure that you don't create vulnerabilities in your configured session.


Don't allow the FileSystem provider. If users can write to any part of the file system, it's possible to completely bypass security.

Don't allow the Certificate provider. With the provider enabled, a user could gain access to stored private keys.

Don't allow commands that can create new runspaces.


The *-Job cmdlets can create new runspaces without the restrictions.

Don't allow the Trace-Command cmdlet.


Using Trace-Command brings all traced commands into the session.

Don't create your own proxy implementations for the restricted commands.

PowerShell has a set of proxy commands for restricted command scenarios. These proxy commands ensure that input parameters can't compromise the security of the session. The following commands have restricted proxies:

  • Exit-PSSession
  • Get-Command
  • Get-FormatData
  • Get-Help
  • Measure-Object
  • Out-Default
  • Select-Object

If you create your own implementation of these commands, you may inadvertently allow users to run code prohibited by the JEA proxy commands.

JEA doesn't protect against admins

One of the core principles of JEA is that it allows nonadministrators to do some administrative tasks. JEA doesn't protect against users who already have administrator privileges. Users who belong Domain Admins, local Administrators, or other highly privileged groups can circumvent JEA's protections in other ways. For example, they could sign in with RDP, use remote MMC consoles, or connect to unconstrained PowerShell endpoints. Also, local administrator on a system can modify JEA configurations to add more users or change a role capability to extend the scope of what a user can do in their JEA session. It's important to evaluate your JEA users' extended permissions to see if there are other ways to gain privileged access to the system.

In addition to using JEA for regular day-to-day maintenance, it's common to have a just-in-time privileged access management system. These systems allow designated users to temporarily become a local administrator only after they complete a workflow that documents their use of those permissions.