Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPCdromRip Interface 

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IWMPCdromRip Interface

The IWMPCdromRip interface provides methods to manage copying, or ripping, tracks from an audio CD.

Ripping a CD by using the IWMPCdromRip interface has the same effect as ripping music by using the Windows Media Player user interface. Ripped content is automatically added to the library according to the user's preferences. For more information about user preferences for CD ripping, see "Ripping music from CDs" in Windows Media Player Help.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IWMPCdromRip interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_ripProgress Retrieves the CD ripping progress as percent complete.
get_ripState Retrieves an enumeration value that indicates the current state of the ripping process.
startRip Rips the CD.
stopRip Stops the CD ripping process.

See Also

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