CSalesProcessActivity Class

The CSalesProcessActivity class stores sales process activity information. It is returned from the method CRMProcessController::RetrieveSalesProcessActivities.


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Class CSalesProcessActivity
   Inherits System.Object
public class CSalesProcessActivity: System.Object
public __gc class CSalesProcessActivity: public System.Object

The CSalesProcessActivity class exposes the following members.

Constructor Description
CSalesProcessActivity The constructor for the class.
Field Description
ActivityId Specifies the ID for the activity.
ActivityName Specifies the name of the activity.
ActivityState Specifies the activity state. The value of this field is from the Microsoft.CRM.Flags.ACTIVITY_STATE class
ActivityType Specifies the activity type. The value of this field is from the Microsoft.CRMFlags.ObjectType class.
StageId Specifies the stage ID for the activity.
StageName Specifies the stage name for the activity.


Namespace: Microsoft.CRM.Proxy

Assembly: microsoft.crm.proxy.dll

See Also

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