Bugs by Priority

Team Foundation Server Reports help development teams keep abreast of the status of development projects as they evolve. The Bugs by Priority report shows numbers and trends in the number of bugs currently active and fixed or found by date. This view is organized by the priority of bugs, giving further insight into how bugs are being triaged.

Team Foundation Server uses SQL Server 2005 to store all the data that's generated during the development team's everyday work, including information about work items, such as bugs and tasks, as well as builds, versions, and source code changes. Through integration with SQL Server Reporting Services, Team Foundation Server allows a wide range of dynamic reports to be generated from this data.

The Bugs by Priority report gives teams insight into the real state of the project and helps them triage bugs. For example, it there are many high priority bugs, this may seriously impact delivery of the application, however, many low priority bugs can also seriously impact customer satisfaction.