ExtendedMembershipProvider.CreateUserAndAccount Method (String, String, Boolean, IDictionary<String, Object>)

When overridden in a derived class, creates a new user profile and a new membership account.

Namespace:  WebMatrix.WebData
Assembly:  WebMatrix.WebData (in WebMatrix.WebData.dll)


Public MustOverride Function CreateUserAndAccount ( _
    userName As String, _
    password As String, _
    requireConfirmation As Boolean, _
    values As IDictionary(Of String, Object) _
) As String
Dim instance As ExtendedMembershipProvider 
Dim userName As String 
Dim password As String 
Dim requireConfirmation As Boolean 
Dim values As IDictionary(Of String, Object)
Dim returnValue As String 

returnValue = instance.CreateUserAndAccount(userName, _
    password, requireConfirmation, values)
public abstract string CreateUserAndAccount(
    string userName,
    string password,
    bool requireConfirmation,
    IDictionary<string, Object> values
virtual String^ CreateUserAndAccount(
    String^ userName, 
    String^ password, 
    bool requireConfirmation, 
    IDictionary<String^, Object^>^ values
) abstract
abstract CreateUserAndAccount : 
        userName:string * 
        password:string * 
        requireConfirmation:bool * 
        values:IDictionary<string, Object> -> string
public abstract function CreateUserAndAccount(
    userName : String, 
    password : String, 
    requireConfirmation : boolean, 
    values : IDictionary<String, Object>
) : String


  • requireConfirmation
    Type: System.Boolean
    (Optional) true to specify that the user account must be confirmed; otherwise, false. The default is false.

Return Value

Type: System.String
A token that can be sent to the user to confirm the user account.

See Also


ExtendedMembershipProvider Class

CreateUserAndAccount Overload

WebMatrix.WebData Namespace