HttpRouteCollection.ICollection<IHttpRoute>.Remove Method

Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection.

Namespace:  System.Web.Http
Assembly:  System.Web.Http (in System.Web.Http.dll)


Private Function Remove ( _
    route As IHttpRoute _
) As Boolean Implements ICollection(Of IHttpRoute).Remove
Dim instance As HttpRouteCollection
Dim route As IHttpRoute
Dim returnValue As Boolean

returnValue = CType(instance, ICollection(Of IHttpRoute)).Remove(route)
bool ICollection<IHttpRoute>.Remove(
    IHttpRoute route
virtual bool Remove(
    IHttpRoute^ route
) sealed = ICollection<IHttpRoute^>::Remove
private abstract Remove : 
        route:IHttpRoute -> bool 
private override Remove : 
        route:IHttpRoute -> bool 
JScript supports the use of explicit interface implementations, but not the declarations of new ones.


Return Value

Type: System.Boolean
true if route was successfully removed from the collection; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if route is not found in the original collection.



See Also


HttpRouteCollection Class

System.Web.Http Namespace