Windows Azure Pack Management Portal Client-Side Extension Manifests


Applies To: Windows Azure Pack

Hello World Sample Visual Studio Project Paths: Microsoft.WAP.Samples.HelloWorld.TenantExtension\Manifests and Microsoft.WAP.Samples.HelloWorld.AdminExtension\Manifests

The manifest is a list of all the resources (CSS/Template/JavaScript) that a Windows Azure Pack management portal user interface extension requires in order to run. It is defined using XML. All valid manifests placed in the right location will be loaded. There can be more than one extension defined in a single manifest and there can be more than one manifest per management portal.It is recommended that each set of related extensions have their own manifest. This makes it easier to identify problems and allows each extension to be deployed separately.

The following is an example containing one extension in a single manifest:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <!--Domain Management extension-->
  <extension name="DomainTenantExtension" baseUri="~/Content/DomainTenant">
      <script src="~/Scripts/DomainTenant.Controller.js" />
      <script src="~/Scripts/DomainTenant.DomainsTab.js" />
      <script src="~/Scripts/DomainTenant.SettingsTab.js" />
      <script src="~/Scripts/DomainTenant.CreateWizard.js" />
      <script src="~/DomainTenantExtension.js" />
      <script src="~/" />

      <stylesheet src="~/Styles/DomainManagementTenant.css"/>

      <template name="createStep1" src="~/Templates/Dialogs/CreateDomainNameStep1.html" />
      <template name="createStep2" src="~/Templates/Dialogs/CreateDomainNameStep2.html" />
      <template name="createStep2a" src="~/Templates/Dialogs/CreateDomainNameStep2a.html" />
      <template name="createStep3" src="~/Templates/Dialogs/CreateDomainNameStep3.html" />
      <template name="selectPassword" src="~/Templates/Dialogs/SelectPassword.html" />
      <template name="viewInfo" src="~/Templates/Dialogs/ViewInfo.html" />
      <template name="customCreatePreview" src="~/Templates/Dialogs/CustomCreatePreview.html" />
      <template name="domainsTab" src="~/Templates/Tabs/DomainsTab.html" />
      <template name="domainsTabEmpty" src="~/Templates/Tabs/DomainsTabEmpty.html" />
      <template name="settingsTab" src="~/Templates/Tabs/SettingsTab.html" />

Note the following:

  • For more extensions, repeat the <extension> element.

  • The baseUri attribute on the <extension> tag is relative to the root of the portal (a standard ASP.NET path).

  • The src attributes are relative to the baseUri attribute on the <extension> tag

  • If an extension doesn’t require a particular resource type (e.g. style sheets) then the entire tag may be omitted.

See Also

Windows Azure Pack Management Portal User Interface Extensions