SettingMember complex type [SDM] 

SDM Reference

SettingMember Complex Type

Defines the elements and attributes used to define a setting member. The SettingMember complex type uses the setting definitions in the SettingDefinitions complex type to create named settings.

<xs:complexType name="SettingMember">
                <xs:element name="Facet"
The set of aspects associated with the setting.
</xs:choice> <xs:attributeGroup ref="SettingsAttributes" /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
Named settings created from the setting definitions in the SettingDefinitions complex type.

Child Elements

Element Type Description
Facet Facet The set of aspects associated with the setting.

Attribute Groups

Name Description
SettingsAttributes The set of attributes that can be applied to an individual setting declaration.

See Also

SystemDefinitionModel Schema Complex Types

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