ISearchDesktop::ExecuteQuery Method

This method takes a string using Advanced Query Language and also allows optional parameters for Columns and Sort criteria for the record set to be returned.


HRESULT ExecuteQuery(      
    LPCWSTR lpcwstrQuery,
    LPCWSTR lpcwstrColumn,
    LPCWSTR lpcwstrRestriction,
    LPCWSTR lpcwstrSort,
    ppiRs **ppiRs


  • lpcwstrQuery
    [in] A string containing the query paramters.
  • lpcwstrColumn
    [in] A string containing the columns to include in query.
  • lpcwstrRestriction
    [in] Restrictions similar to a where clause of a Structured Query Language (SQL) string.
  • lpcwstrSort
    [in] Columns to sort results by.
  • ppiRs
    [out] When this method returns successfully, contains a pointer to the address of recordset returned from the query.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.
