Drag List Box

This section contains information about the functions, notification codes, and structures associated with drag list boxes.


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Drag List Boxes

A drag list box is a special type of list box that enables the user to drag items from one position to another.



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Draws the insert icon in the parent window of the specified drag list box.


Retrieves the index of the item at the specified point in a list box.


Changes the specified single-selection list box to a drag list box.



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Notifies the drag list box's parent window that the user has clicked the left mouse button on an item. A drag list box sends this notification code in the form of a drag list message.


Signals that the user has canceled a drag operation by clicking the right mouse button or pressing the ESC key. A drag list box sends this notification code in the form of a drag list message.


Signals that the user has moved the mouse while dragging an item. DL_DRAGGING is also sent periodically during dragging even if the mouse is not moved. A drag list box sends this notification code in the form of a drag list message.


Signals that the user has completed a drag operation by releasing the left mouse button. A drag list box sends this notification code in the form of a drag list message.



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Contains information about a drag event. The pointer to DRAGLISTINFO is passed as the lParam parameter of the drag list message.




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Build date: 1/26/2011