Using Prediction in Web Site Management

Your site developer uses the Predictor resource in Commerce Server to add predictive capabilities to your site. The Predictor resource enables you to perform the following profiling and targeting activities:

  • Provide intelligent cross-sell support. Suggest items that a user might be interested in by correlating properties about the user, or items the user has ordered, with a database of items that other users have ordered previously. You can restrict the items that are suggested to a particular part of the catalog.
  • Segment users based on their behavior or profile. Analyze these segment models to discover the characteristics that partition those users into population segments. Your system administrator builds segment models that you can analyze by using the Segment Viewer module in Commerce Server Business Desk.
  • Fill in missing values in your user profile data. Predict a missing value, for example, a user profile property that the user did not supply.

For step-by-step instructions about how to use the Predictor resource, see the Predictor Resource Tutorial.

See Also

Analysis Models

Prediction Models

Segment Models

Creating Analysis Models

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