Profiling System Event Messages

Profile Management Event Messages

Profiles Service Event Messages

Profile Data Import DTS Task Event Messages

AuthFilter Event Messages

AuthManager Event Messages

Profile Management Event Messages

The following table lists known event messages for User Profile Management.

Message ID Severity Comments
15360 Error Invalid operator %1 encountered. The UPM data aggregation layer encountered an operator that it cannot handle in the WHERE clause for the query.
15361 Error Invalid data type %1 encountered. The UPM data aggregation layer encountered a property of unrecognized data type in the query.
15363 Error Error (%1) encountered from DSO provider (deprecated, can be ignored). This error merely indicates that an error was encountered in the ANSI-SQL or the LDAP-v3 components of the UPM data aggregation layer. Other errors in the error stack should provide more relevant and useful information.
15364 Error Internal error (%1) encountered at the aggregation layer. This error indicates that an internal error occurred inside the UPM data aggregation layer. Developers should report this to Microsoft.
15365 Error Invalid source type %1 encountered. The UPM data aggregation layer encountered an invalid source type.
15366 Error Invalid operation type %1 encountered. The UPM data aggregation layer encountered an unrecognized operation type.
15367 Error Ran out of stack space. The UPM data aggregation layer could not allocate memory off the stack. Most likely, a prior component on the call stack has allocated large chunks of memory from the stack.
15368 Error Invalid class definition %1 encountered. The UPM data aggregation layer encountered an invalid class definition.
15369 Error Invalid query type %1 encountered.
15370 Error Encountered malformed order by list.
15371 Error Encountered an error in catalog data structures.
15372 Error Encountered invalid query.
15373 Error Invalid table name specified for %1 source.
15374 Error Exceeded maximum number of partitions allowed. Profiling system can only support up to 128 partitions along UPM paths. This error would show up if the Profiling System encountered a profile definitions store containing more than 128 partitions.
15375 Error The object already exists. The creation or update operations failed because an object with one or more matching key member values already exists in the underlying stores.
16000 Error Internal error (%1) encountered in directory provider.
16001 Error Generic ADSI error (%1).
16002 Error Ran out of stack space. The LDAP-v3 UPM data aggregation layer component could not allocate memory off the stack. Most likely, a prior component on the call stack has allocated large chunks of memory from the stack.
16003 Error There is no such object on the server. The object being searched for does not exist on the server.
16004 Error Bad password encountered (%1) (fairly common). The password setting or modification operation failed. Possible causes: (a) Machines (clients and servers) in the AD domain have not been configured properly — see RK for hints to fix this. (b) The security context under which this operation is being performed does not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation.
16005 Error Missing RDN attribute value. The RDN attribute on the object was not specified.
16006 Error Invalid operator encountered.
16007 Error Invalid data type (%1) encountered in directory component.
16264 Error Invalid number of values specified for password property. The LDAP-v3 UPM data aggregation layer component expects password property to contain exactly one value along object creation paths, and two values along object update paths. This error gets thrown when the above is not true.
16265 Error Value missing for a required key member.
16256 Error Internal error occurred in third-party provider.
16257 Error Invalid data type encountered in third-party provider.
16258 Error Invalid operation encountered in third-party provider.
16259 Error Attempting to insert too big data.

Profiles Service Event Messages

The following table lists known event messages for Profiles Service.

Message ID Severity Comments
16384 Error An internal error occurred in Profiles service component.
16385 Error The Profiles service data type cannot be converted to or from the native data type of the underlying data store.
16386 Error Invalid operation performed on Profiles service component.
16387 Error The current operation has been performed on a deleted object, and therefore cannot be completed. Please release handle to this deleted object.
16388 Error The current operation has been performed using an invalid profile type.
16389 Error Cannot update the value for this property as it is a Join Key property. The join key property is non-modifiable on a persisted object. This error is returned if an attempt was being made to modify the join key on a persisted object.
16390 Error Cannot reinitialize Profiles service object. Profiles service component cannot be initialized multiple times.
16392 Error Bad connection string has been supplied to Profiles service object.
16393 Error Invalid profile definition.
16394 Error Ran out of stack space in Profiles service component.
16395 Error Profile object already exists.
16396 Error Profile object not found. Please check key member name and member value and try again.
16397 Error Profiles service object is not initialized.
16398 Error The profile definitions catalog name supplied to Profiles service initialization method is invalid.
16399 Error A multi-valued property on a profile definition cannot be marked as key.
16400 Error An invalid value has been specified for key member.
16401 Error A recoverable race condition was encountered in profile object cache. Please try your call again. This error can occur in two scenarios: (a) If two (or more) threads are trying to simultaneously retrieve a profile object that does not exist in the profile object cache, and attempt to insert this object into the cache, then all threads except the first one will return this error. In this scenario, this is a benign error and can be ignored. (b) Profile object data does not conform to profile definition rules (e.g., multiple objects having the same property value for a property marked as a unique key).
16402 Error The profile object cache has become full. Please release dirty entries, and try your operation again. If problems persist, then please review Profile service documentation.

Profile Data Import DTS Task Event Messages

The following table lists known event messages for the Profile Data Import Data Transformation Services (DTS) task.

Message ID Severity Comments
12288 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to create Commerce Server Performance Counters Component.
12289 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to initialize Commerce Server Performance Counters Component.
12290 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to create Commerce Server OLEDB Provider Component.
12291 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to bind to connection url: %1.
12292 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to form queries on BizDataStore.
12293 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to perform schema changes in the Data Warehouse.
12294 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to transfer data to the Data Warehouse.
12295 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to bind to class url: %1.
12296 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to open class %1.
12297 Error Profile Data Import Task: Class name : %1 already exists in Data Warehouse but is not mapped to a Biz Data Catalog class.
12298 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to Add Members to Class:%1. Member name:%2.
12299 Error Profile Data Import Task: Class name : %1 does not exist in the Data Warehouse but is mapped to a BizData Catalog class.
12300 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to create the TimeZone converter object.
12301 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to load members for class %1.
12302 Error Profile Data Import Task: The export engine was not initialized.
12303 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to create object %1
12304 Error Profile Data Import Task: %1
12305 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to get values from TaskHistory table.
12306 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to set values to TaskHistory table.
12307 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to initialize TimeZone converter object.
12308 Error Profile Data Import Task: Failed to do time zone conversion.
12309 Error Profile Data Import Task: An error occurred in loading the DTS task properties dialog.
12310 Error Profile Data Import Task: Primary key should be exported for classes not already mapped to an existing class in the Data Warehouse. Profile %1 will not be exported.
12311 Error Profile Data Import Task: One or more invalid data type mappings between Profile and Data Warehouse found.
12312 Error Profile Data Import Task: Member %2 of profile %1 is of detailed %3 which is inconsistent with data type %6 of member %5 mapped to datawarehouse class %4.Schema mismatch between runtime store and the Data Warehouse store.

AuthFilter Event Messages

The following table lists known event messages for AuthFilter.

Message ID Severity Comments
19474 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: AuthFilter's PasswordCache if Full (need to set larger cache & restart IIS/Application).
19475 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: AuthFilter's PasswordCache if Empty or Not created.
19476 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: SiteName is Empty. This is either not a Commerce Server site, or the Csapp.ini does not contain the site name.
19477 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: EncryptionKey cannot be null/empty, if encryption is enabled. The site was enabled for encryption, but an encryption key was not specified.
19478 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Unable to insert new entry into the siteconfig cache.
19479 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Unable to find siteconfig-entry in the siteconfig cache.
19480 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Unable to encrypt ticket.
19481 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Unable to decrypt ticket (unused).
19482 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Unable to format ticket data.
19483 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Sending redirect (HTTP: 302) failed. Check URLs specified in the global resources for the site.
19484 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Setting cookie failed.
19485 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Generating password key failed.
19486 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: URL-Decoding failed. Malformed URL
19487 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Password-Cache search failed or entry not found ( internal).
19488 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Parsing querystring failed. Malformed URL
19489 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Cache-Cleanup-thread failed.
19490 Error UPM-AUTH: Failure in AuthFilter.
19491 Error UPM-AUTH: Invalid character (';' or '%' or '=') present in userID or property name/value.
19492 Error UPM-AUTH: This API should be called only within an ASP. The method returning this error depends on an ASP intrinsic object. So, must be invoked from ASP pages.
19493 Error UPM-AUTH: Error: Requested Ticket not set.
19494 Error UPM-AUTH: Error occurred while generating Encryption Key.
19495 Error UPM-AUTH: Invalid custom property name or value.
19496 Error UPM-AUTH: Failed in formatting properties on Ticket.
19497 Error UPM-AUTHF: Failed to encrypt ticket data.
19498 Error UPM-AUTH: Failed to decrypt ticket data.
19499 Error UPM-AUTH: Encryption admin-properties are set wrong (if you enable Encryption, EncryptionKey should be set correctly).
19500 Error UPM-AUTH: Failed to add SiteConfig entry to local SiteConfig-cache.
19501 Error UPM-AUTH: Failed to delete SiteConfig entry from local SiteConfig-cache.
19502 Error UPM-AUTH: Failed to get SiteConfig entry from local SiteConfig-cache.
19503 Error UPM-AUTH: CryptoAPI-Failed to generate sessionkey from password.
19504 Error UPM-AUTH: Error in initializing the Encrypt/Decrypt component.
19505 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Error in initializing the memory-pool (cpool) for the password-cache in WindowsAuth mode.
19506 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Error in initializing the LKRHash for the password-cache in WindowsAuth mode.
19507 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Error in initializing the LKRHash for the siteconfig-cache.
19508 Error UPM-AUTH: Error in initializing the LKRHash for the siteconfig-cache.
19509 Informational UPM-AUTHFILTER: Error occurred in initializing the siteconfig-cache.
19510 Informational UPM-AUTHFILTER: Error occurred in initializing the password-cache.
19511 Informational UPM-AUTHFILTER: Error occurred in initializing the memory-pool for password-cache: %1.
19512 Informational UPM-AUTHFILTER: Failed to create cleanup thread for password-cache: %1.
19513 Error UPM-AUTHFILTER: Filed to create cleanup thread for password-cache.
19514 Informational UPM-AUTHFILTER: Failed to create CommerceServer-UPM-PerfCounter Object for site '%1' : %2.
19515 Informational UPM-AUTHFILTER: Failed to initialize WindowsAuth: %1.
19516 Informational UPM-AUTHFILTER: Failed to initialize CacheCleanupThread object: %1.
19517 Informational UPM-AUTHFILTER: Cleanup thread for password-cache has been successfully started.
19518 Error UPM-AUTH: Empty password-key is not allowed.
19519 Error UPM-AUTH: Failed to create CommerceServer-UPM-PerfCounter Object for site '%1' : %2.

AuthManager Event Messages

The following table lists known event messages for AuthManager.

Message ID Severity Comments
19456 Error UPM-AUTH: Error: Requested property does not exist on AuthTicket.
19457 Warning UPM-AUTH: Warning: Authticket TimeWindow Expired, may need to re-authenticate the user.
19458 Error UPM-AUTH: Error: User not authenticated, need to reauthenticate the user.
19459 Warning UPM-AUTH: Error: Authticket not set on cookie.
19460 Warning UPM-AUTH: Warning: Authticket not set.
19461 Error UPM-AUTH: Warning: Empty Authticket.
19462 Warning UPM-AUTH: Error: in Setting the cookie.
19463 Warning UPM-AUTH: Warning: need to set Authenticated User cookie.
19464 Error UPM-AUTH: Warning: need to set Anonymous User cookie.
19465 Error UPM-AUTH: Error: while setting the cookie for registered user.
19466 Error UPM-AUTH: Error: while setting the cookie for anonymous user.
19467 Error UPM-AUTH: Error: while getting the cookie for registered user.
19468 Error UPM-AUTH: Error: while getting the cookie for anonymous user.
19469 Error UPM-AUTH: Error: while getting the query string for anonymous user.
19470 Error UPM-AUTH: Error: while getting the query string for authenticated user.
19471 Error UPM-AUTH: Error: while unpacking the Ticket data.
19472 Error UPM-AUTH: Error: need to Initialize with installed Sitename.
19473 Error UPM-AUTH: Error: AuthManager::CryptoAPI_Initialize failed.

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