IUIAutomation::CreateFalseCondition Method

Creates a condition that is always false.


HRESULT CreateFalseCondition(      
    IUIAutomationCondition **newCondition


  • newCondition
    [out, retval] The address of a variable that receives a pointer to an IUIAutomationCondition interface representing the false condition.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


This method exists only for symmetry with IUIAutomation::CreateTrueCondition. A false condition will never enable a match with UI Automation elements, and it cannot usefully be combined with any other condition.

See Also

IUIAutomationCondition, IUIAutomationElement::FindAll, IUIAutomationElement::FindAllBuildCache, IUIAutomationElement::FindFirst, IUIAutomationElement::FindFirstBuildCache