Event Identifiers

This section lists the constant values used to identify Microsoft UI Automation events.


  • UIA_AsyncContentLoadedEventId (20006)
    Identifies the event that is raised when asynchronous content is being loading. This event is used mainly by providers to indicate that asynchronous content-loading events have occurred.
  • UIA_AutomationFocusChangedEventId (20005)
    Identifies the event that is raised when the focus has changed from one UI element to another.
  • UIA_AutomationPropertyChangedEventId (20004)
    Identifies the event that is raised when the value of a property has changed.
  • UIA_InputDiscardedEventId (20022)
    Identifies the event that is raised when the specified input was discarded or otherwise failed to reach any element.
  • UIA_InputReachedOtherElementEventId (20021)
    Identifies the event that is raised when the specified input reached an element other than the element for which the IUIAutomationSynchronizedInputPattern::StartListening method was called.
  • UIA_InputReachedTargetEventId (20020)
    Identifies the event that is raised when the specified mouse or keyboard input reaches the element for which the StartListening method was called.
  • UIA_Invoke_InvokedEventId (20009)
    Identifies the event that is raised when a control is invoked or activated.
  • UIA_LayoutInvalidatedEventId (20008)
    Identifies the event that is raised when the layout of child items within a control has changed.
  • UIA_MenuClosedEventId (20007)
    Identifies the event that is raised when a menu is closed.
  • UIA_MenuModeEndEventId (20019)
    Identifies the event that is raised when a menu mode is ended.
  • UIA_MenuModeStartEventId (20018)
    Identifies the event that is raised when a menu mode is started.
  • UIA_MenuOpenedEventId (20003)
    Identifies the event that is raised when a menu is opened.
  • UIA_Selection_InvalidatedEventId (20013)
    Identifies the event that is raised when a selection in a container has changed significantly and requires sending more addition and removal events than the InvalidateLimit constant permits.
  • UIA_SelectionItem_ElementAddedToSelectionEventId (20010)
    Identifies the event raised when an item is added to a collection of selected items.
  • UIA_SelectionItem_ElementRemovedFromSelectionEventId (20011)
    Identifies the event raised when an item is removed from a collection of selected items.
  • UIA_SelectionItem_ElementSelectedEventId (20012)
    Identifies the event that is raised when a call to the IUIAutomationSelectionItemPattern::Select, AddToSelection, or RemoveFromSelection method results in a single item being selected.
  • UIA_StructureChangedEventId (20002)
    Identifies the event that is raised when the UI Automation tree structure is changed.
  • UIA_Text_TextChangedEventId (20015)
    Identifies the event that is raised whenever textual content is modified.
  • UIA_Text_TextSelectionChangedEventId (20014)
    Identifies the event that is raised when the text selection is modified.
  • UIA_ToolTipClosedEventId (20001)
    Identifies the event that is raised when a tooltip is closed.
  • UIA_ToolTipOpenedEventId (20000)
    Identifies the event that is raised when a tooltip is opened.
  • UIA_Window_WindowClosedEventId (20017)
    Identifies the event that is raised when a window is closed.
  • UIA_Window_WindowOpenedEventId (20016)
    Identifies the event that is raised when a window is opened.

See Also

UI Automation Events Overview