IMetaDataEmit Interface

Provides methods to create, modify, and save metadata about the assembly in the currently defined scope. The metadata can be stored in memory or saved to disk.




IMetaDataEmit::ApplyEditAndContinue Method

Updates the current assembly scope with the changes made in the specified pImport.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineCustomAttribute Method

Creates a definition for a custom attribute with the specified metadata signature, to be attached to the specified object, and gets a token to that custom attribute definition.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineEvent Method

Creates a definition for an event with the specified metadata signature, and gets a token to that event definition.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineField Method

Creates a definition for a field with the specified metadata signature, and gets a token to that field definition.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineImportMember Method

Creates a definition for a member of a type that is defined in a module outside the current scope, and gets a token for that reference definition.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineImportType Method

Creates a definition for a reference to a type that is defined in a module outside the current scope, and gets a token to that reference definition.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineMemberRef Method

Creates a definition for a reference to a member of a module outside the current scope, and gets a token to that reference definition.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineMethod Method

Creates a definition for a method with the specified signature, and returns a token to that method definition.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineMethodImpl Method

Creates a definition for implementation of a method inherited from an interface, and returns a token to that method-implementation definition.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineModuleRef Method

Creates the metadata signature for a module with the specified name.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineNestedType Method

Creates the metadata signature of a type definition and returns an mdTypeDef token for that type, additionally specifying that the defined type is a member of the type referenced by tdEncloser.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineParam Method

Creates a parameter definition with the specified signature for the method referenced by the specified token, and gets a token for that parameter definition.

IMetaDataEmit::DefinePermissionSet Method

Creates a definition for a permission set with the specified metadata signature, and gets a token to that permission set definition.

IMetaDataEmit::DefinePinvokeMap Method

Sets features of the PInvoke signature of the method referenced by the specified token.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineProperty Method

Creates a property definition for the specified type, with the specified get and set method accessors, and gets a token to that property definition.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineSecurityAttributeSet Method

Creates a set of security permissions to attach to the object referenced by the specified token.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineTypeDef Method

Creates a type definition for a common language runtime type, and gets a metadata token to that type definition.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineTypeRefByName Method

Gets a metadata token for a type that is defined in another module outside the current scope.

IMetaDataEmit::DefineUserString Method

Gets a metadata token for the specified literal string.

IMetaDataEmit::DeleteClassLayout Method

Destroys the class layout metadata signature for the type referenced by the specified token.

IMetaDataEmit::DeleteFieldMarshal Method

Destroys the PInvoke marshaling metadata signature for the object referenced by the specified token.

IMetaDataEmit::DeletePinvokeMap Method

Destroys the PInvoke mapping metadata for the object referenced by the specified token.

IMetaDataEmit::DeleteToken Method

Deletes the specified token from the current metadata scope.

IMetaDataEmit::GetSaveSize Method

Gets the estimated binary size of the assembly in the current scope.

IMetaDataEmit::GetTokenFromSig Method

Gets a token for the specified metadata signature.

IMetaDataEmit::GetTokenFromTypeSpec Method

Gets a metadata token for the type with the specified metadata signature.

IMetaDataEmit::Merge Method

Adds the specified imported scope to the list of scopes to be merged.

IMetaDataEmit::MergeEnd Method

Merges into the current scope all the metadata scopes specified by one or more prior calls to IMetaDataEmit::Merge.

IMetaDataEmit::Save Method

Saves all metadata in the current scope to the file at the specified address.

IMetaDataEmit::SaveToMemory Method

Saves all metadata in the current scope to the specified area of memory.

IMetaDataEmit::SaveToStream Method

Saves all metadata in the current scope to the specified IStream.

IMetaDataEmit::SetClassLayout Method

Sets or updates the class layout signature of a type defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineTypeDef.

IMetaDataEmit::SetCustomAttributeValue Method

Sets or updates the value of a custom attribute defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineCustomAttribute.

IMetaDataEmit::SetEventProps Method

Sets or updates the specified feature of an event defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineEvent.

IMetaDataEmit::SetFieldMarshal Method

Sets the PInvoke marshaling information for the field, method return, or method parameter referenced by the specified token.

IMetaDataEmit::SetFieldProps Method

Sets or updates the default value for the field referenced by the specified field token.

IMetaDataEmit::SetFieldRVA Method

Sets a global variable value for the relative virtual address of the field referenced by the specified token.

IMetaDataEmit::SetHandler Method

Sets the method referenced by the specified IUnknown pointer as a notification callback for token remaps.

IMetaDataEmit::SetMethodImplFlags Method

Sets or updates the metadata signature of the inherited method implementation referenced by the specified token.

IMetaDataEmit::SetMethodProps Method

Sets or updates the feature, stored at the specified relative virtual address, of a method defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineMethod.

IMetaDataEmit::SetModuleProps Method

Updates references to a module defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineModuleRef.

IMetaDataEmit::SetParamProps Method

Sets or changes features of a method parameter that was defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineParam.

IMetaDataEmit::SetParent Method

Establishes that the specified member, as defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineMemberRef, is a member of the specified type, as defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineTypeDef.

IMetaDataEmit::SetPermissionSetProps Method

Sets or updates features of the metadata signature of a permission set defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefinePermissionSet.

IMetaDataEmit::SetPinvokeMap Method

Sets or changes features of a method's PInvoke signature, as defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefinePinvokeMap.

IMetaDataEmit::SetPropertyProps Method

Sets the features stored in metadata for a property defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineProperty.

IMetaDataEmit::SetRVA Method

Sets the relative virtual address of the specified method.

IMetaDataEmit::SetTypeDefProps Method

Sets features of a type defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineTypeDef.

IMetaDataEmit::TranslateSigWithScope Method

Imports an assembly into the current scope and gets a new metadata signature for the merged scope.


Platforms: See .NET Framework System Requirements.

Header: Cor.h

Library: Used as a resource in MsCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Versions: 4, 3.5 SP1, 3.5, 3.0 SP1, 3.0, 2.0 SP1, 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

See Also


IMetaDataEmit2 Interface

Other Resources

Metadata Interfaces