BudgetSourceSourceDocumentLine Class [AX 2012]

The BudgetSourceSourceDocumentLine class is responsible for data management for the BudgetSource records that are associated with the SourceDocumentLine records.


class BudgetSourceSourceDocumentLine extends BudgetSourceIntegrator

Run On



  Method Description
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif cancelTimeOut Cancels a previous method call to the setTimeOut method. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif createBudgetSource Creates a BudgetSource table buffer for the SourceDocumentLine record. (Overrides the createBudgetSource Method.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif equal Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current one. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif findBudgetSourceIds Finds a set of IDs for the BudgetSource records that are associated with the SourceDocumentLine record. (Overrides the findBudgetSourceIds Method.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getBudgetCheckResult Gets the BudgetCheckResult value that is associated with the specified Common record. (Overrides the getBudgetCheckResult Method.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getTimeOutTimerHandle Returns the timer handle for the object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif handle Retrieves the handle of the class of the object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg780380.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif new Initializes a new instance of the BudgetSourceSourceDocumentLine class.
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif notify Releases the hold on an object that has called the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif notifyAll Releases a lock on the object that was issued by the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif objectOnServer Determines whether the object is on a server. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif owner Returns the instance that owns the object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg780380.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif parmCommonId Gets or sets the CommonId parameter. (Inherited from BudgetSourceIntegrator.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setTimeOut Sets up the scheduled execution of a specified method. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif toString Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif usageCount Returns the current number of references, that is, the value of the reference counter, that the object has. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif wait Pauses a process. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif xml Returns an XML string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg780380.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::copyBudgetSource Creates copies of the BudgetSource records for a collection of SourceDocumentLine records, based on the BudgetSource records for another collection of SourceDocumentLine records.
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg780380.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::existBudgetSource Determines whether a BudgetSource record that is associated with the specified SourceDocumentLine record exists.
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg780380.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::findBudgetCheckResult Finds the BudgetCheckResult value of the BudgetSource record that is associated with the SourceDocumentLine record.
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg780380.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::findBudgetSource Finds the record ID for the BudgetSource record that is associated with the SourceDocumentLine record.
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg780380.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::findBudgetSourceId Finds the record ID of the BudgetSource record that is associated with the specified SourceDocumentLine record.
Gg780380.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg780380.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::getBudgetControlSourceIntegrator Gets the budget control source integrator for the specified source document line.
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg780380.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::getBudgetSourceInquiryDetails Gets an object of the BudgetSourceInquiryDetails class for the specified source document line reference.
Gg780380.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg780380.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::invokeBudgetControlCopyErrorWarnProc
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg780380.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::newBudgetSourceSourceDocumentLine Initializes an instance of the BudgetSourceSourceDocumentLine class by using an ID of the specified SourceDocumentLine record.
Gg780380.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg780380.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::saveBudgetSource Saves the new BudgetSource record for the specified SourceDocumentLine record if one does not already exist.



This class extends the BudgetSourceIntegrator class.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Object Class
  BudgetSourceCollectionIntegrator Class
    BudgetSourceIntegrator Class
      BudgetSourceSourceDocumentLine Class