SysAutoRun.execWorkflowExecutionUserAccount Method [AX 2012]

Creates the workflow execution user account.


protected boolean execWorkflowExecutionUserAccount(XmlNode _command)

Run On



  • _command
    Type: XmlNode Class
    The XML node to get the required input values from.

Return Value

Type: boolean
true if the execution is successful; otherwise, false.


The execution of this method is controlled by the .execCommand method. This method is called if the XML tag WorkflowExecutionUserAccount is used in the configuration file when Microsoft Dynamics AX is started. The XML tag WorkflowExecutionUserAccount has the following attributes:

  • useDomainUser - Specifies whether to use the domain user that is passed in as the workflow execution user.

  • domainUserAlias - The domain user alias.

  • domainName - The domain name for the domain user alias.

  • axUserId - The ID for the user.

See Also


SysAutoRun Class