Microsoft.VisualStudio.ArchitectureTools.Extensibility.Presentation Namespace


This namespace contains types for reading and updating UML diagrams.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass ExtensibilityPresentationMapper

System_CAPS_pubclass PresentationHelpers

Static class that provides extension methods for modeling diagrams and shapes.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IActivityDiagram

Represents a UML Activity Diagram. It can display an Activity, which must be attached to it using the Bind method. An Activity contains a set of Actions connected by flows. Each Activity can be displayed on at most one diagram, and its Actions can appear on no more than one diagram. The diagram itself does not form part of the UML model.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IClassDiagram

Represents a UML class diagram, which can display classes, interfaces, enumerations, packages, and the relationships between them. The diagram itself does not form part of the model. It contains IShape objects that represent views of the model elements. Each model element, such as a UML class, may be represented by several IShapes, which may be on different diagrams.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IColorShape

Coloring information for IShape objects.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IComponentDiagram

Represents a UML component diagram, which can display components and their internal parts, and the connections and dependencies between them. The diagram itself does not form part of the model. It contains IShape objects that represent views of the model elements. Each UML component may be represented by several IShapes, which may be on different diagrams.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IDiagram

Represents a UML modeling diagram. It is a supertype of the specific diagram types such as IClassDiagram. Each diagram is represented as a pair of files in the model.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IDiagramContext

Provides access to a diagram. You can obtain an instance of this type by declaring an Imported property DiagramContext in a UML extension. You can also cast to and from EnvDTE.ProjectItem, if the item is a UML diagram.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IDiagramElementOperations

System_CAPS_pubinterface IPresentationElementWrapperFactory

System_CAPS_pubinterface ISequenceDiagram

Represents a UML sequence diagram. It can display an IInteraction, which must be attached to it using the Bind method. An Interaction depicts the exchange of messages between a set of objects. Each Interaction can be displayed on at most one diagram, and the objects and messages can appear on only one Interaction. The diagram itself does not form part of the UML model.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IShape

A shape on a diagram that shows a view of an element in a model. Some types of model element can have more than one shape. Some shapes are composed of other shapes. For example, a class shape contains shapes for each attribute and operation. Shapes have graphical properties such as color and position.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IShape<T>

Represents a shape on a diagram. This is a more strongly-typed subtype of IShape. It is specific to a particular model element type T, such as IClassifier. You can assign to it any IShape<E> where E is a subtype of T, such as IClass.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IUseCaseDiagram

Represents a UML use case diagram, which can display use cases, actors, and systems. The diagram itself is not part of the UML model. It contains IShape objects that represent views of the model elements. Each model element, such as a use case, may be represent by several shapes, which may be on different diagrams.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum SequenceDiagramLayoutKinds


For more information, see the following topics:

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