Count Property (Recipients Collection)

Count Property (Recipients Collection)

The Count property returns the number of Recipient objects in the collection. Read-only.



Data Type



This code fragment uses the Count property as a loop terminator to copy all Recipient objects from one messages Recipients collection to another messages collection. It shows the Count and Item properties working together. Note how much more code this requires than copying the Message objects Recipients property from the original message to the copy.

' from the sample function Util_CopyMessage
' Copy all Recipient objects from one messages collection to another
Dim objOneMsg, objCopyMsg as Message
Dim objRecipColl as Recipients ' source message Recipients collection
Dim objOneRecip as Recipient ' individual recipient in target message
' ... verify valid messages ...
Set objRecipColl = objOneMsg.Recipients
For i = 1 To objRecipColl.Count Step 1
    strRecipName = objRecipColl.Item(i).Name
'   could be objRecipColl(i).Name since Item is default property
    If strRecipName <> "" Then
        Set objOneRecip = objCopyMsg.Recipients.Add
        If objOneRecip Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Unable to create recipient in message copy"
            Exit Function
        End If
        objOneRecip.Name = strRecipName
        objOneRecip.Address = objRecipColl.Item(i).Address
        objOneRecip.Type = objRecipColl.Item(i).Type
    End If
Next i

See Also


Recipients Collection Object